
Case Study On Psychology

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Hunter appeared to be in a good mood and he worked in a friendly, cooperative manner over multiple sessions with the evaluation concluded on the date listed in the heading of this report. He was evaluated while on prescribed medication for ADHD. Standardization was maintained on all testing items; however, these findings need to be viewed with caution. Hunter needed multiple prompts to focus and complete tasks and if assessed at later date results have the potential to increase. Therefore, the information provided is believed to be an under representation of what can be expected from him within the educational setting at this point in time. The KBIT-2 was administered to Hunter as it is simpler in format and holds a student’s attention …show more content…

Hunter skills in word reading and spelling were within the average range, reflecting a better ability to focus on smaller chunks of material. He read at a steady pace, but struggled paying attention to the details and he lost his place frequently when items increased in difficulty. His math process skills were intact, but he missed some addition problems due to simple mistakes. His overall reading composite was below average. His spelling errors were phonetically recognizable. His penmanship was neat. Along this same line, Hunter has average visual-motor coordination (Standard Score=107) and below average visual memory skills (Standard Score=81) per BG-II findings. Hunter demonstrated immature organization and planning skills. He began with age appropriate skills, but as time passed and the items grew more challenging his skills deteriorated. Per the CTRS-3, Hunter’s teacher rated him as having normal behavior in the classroom and significant issues with peer relations. It was noted Hunter displays moderate problems with learning, inattention, and working habits. The parent version of the Conner’s indicated Hunter displays appropriate working skills and behavior at home. Hunter was rated as having moderate elevation with his ability to sustain attention, learn, and interact with peers. A higher level of hyperactivity and impulsivity was noted when

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