In the video, Ellen is interviewing this couple who has a baby, named Ellie, that could rock climb at the age of eight months old, two months before she could walk. In the interview with the parents, it was found out that Ellie had been taken to a rock climbing gym since she was about two weeks old, and both of her parent’s rock climbed really regularly so she was there quiet often. Towards the end of the video they go to a rock wall and Ellie is encouraged to climb it. They placed a dinosaur at the top of the rock wall and told the Ellie to go get it. The parents supported her as she climbed the rock wall. Ellie then knocked the dinosaur off and everyone cheered for her. She then preceded to climb back down the rock wall safely to the ground. …show more content…
She expressed physical development in the video by being able to climb the rock walls at such a young age. In the video when she was climbing the rock wall at one point she was holding onto the wall with both hands and her feet not on it at all. This was very impressive because she was able to pull her feet up and continue climbing and just use upper body strength to hold herself onto the wall. Her gripping strength would have had to been great. Ellie showed her cognitive development by her motivation to climb the rock wall. Her parents motivated her to climb by putting a dinosaur at the top of the rock wall. This is a goal directed behavior which starts to show up from eight to twelve months of age. Ellie showed that she was very socially developed in the video too. She was in front of a lot of people and was able to climb the rock wall fairly easy. She did seem nervous in the interview, because she kept looking out into the crowd instead of at Ellen, who was talking. I feel she was able to climb the wall so easily with all those people is because her parents were their encouraging her throughout the
Fig. __ Feed-forward projections from the eyes to the brain and topographic mapping. In each eye the visual field on the left and right of the fovea (the cut goes right through the fovea!) projects to different cortical hemispheres: the ipsilateral retina projects to the ipsilateral visual cortex, and the contralateral retina crosses the contralateral cortex (hemifield crossing in the optic chiasma). The first synapse of the retinal ganglion cells is in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), but information from the left (L) and right (R) eye remains strictly separated. The LGN consists of six layers, layers 1 and 2 are primarily occupied by the magnocellular pathway, and 3–6 by the parvocellular. Information from both eyes comes first together
H. F. is an 11 year old male with a history of major depressive disorder and ADHD who presented to the inpatient child and adolescent mental health unit for concerns of suicidal ideation. During an interview with H. F. and family members, it became clear that there were behavior concerns during school, increased difficulties in interpersonal relationships with peers, and increasing use of the internet and social media to form social relationships. His parents were also concerned about the inappropriate content of his conversations online.
From watching the video, I could improve myself by understanding how a baby understands things growing
It shows just how complex and intricate the human mind is in the children. Before this video I would never have noticed how smart children actually were and all that they can perceive. This video can be very useful for parents by helping them realize how important the first part of a child’s life is. Everything they see and experience is molding and shaping them to be who they are. It can also help them realize why babies are so emotional because taking in so many new things can be overwhelming for children especially. Also can be useful for anyone who plans on doing research on children to have an idea of how their brains work at fifteen months versus eighteen months. It shows how much is going on in their minds, and also how they cannot focus on just one specific thing because they are constantly taking in information in many
In reading chapter one I was interested Define that each chapter would be built and covered upon a case report from a client. First chapter also described Dr. Tobin will provide a diagnosis for each case of the chapter with the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5)(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The chapter also described the stigma of labeling psychological disorder in the criteria needed to do it by applying the 5 criteria for psychological disorders that are generally used by Healthcare professionals in what would make the clinical significance. Chapter one also hits on the humanitarian approach of psychology and goes throughout the history starting with how psychologically Disturbed people were placed in homes for their protection but in turn those homes became overcrowded and became places of neglect due to lack of understanding and available treatments. Is chapter also went through the importance of clinical research and the evolution of evidence-based treatments?
McKinney, PhD, S. (n.d.). Joseph Stalin's Life, Death and Legacy. Retrieved March 4, 2015, from
No, they are not behind their white counterparts in intelligence and academic achievement but rather due to environmental resources. For example, many white individuals have help from their educated parents or tutors that have been provided for them in schools or privately hired. Having such valuable resources can allow one to do better in school. While African Americans don’t have basic resources such as a safe environment or a financially stable home leading to more stressors in the environment for them taking away focus from school. Additionally, group test scores are not representative of individual test scores.
pertains to the case she can see how, unless sleep arrangements are asked for in the evaluation, she should probably leave that information out. Our job as a counselor is to not judge those we interact with for their lifestyle choices. This case study was a great learning experience for me in that I can see the potential damage that could occur when my personal values color my viewpoint.
The mind is a terrible thing to waste, but it’s also a terrible thing to misunderstand. Understanding how people interact and handle situations throughout life can make relationships and jobs easier; respectively, having a deeper understanding of actions and behaviors can especially help with students, to understand what changes occur during the time of schooling. These changes can be minor or completely change the way a teenage student acts and thinks. Psychology should be introduced at an earlier age so adolescents can understand teen attention span, social cognition, and stress patterns.
Psychoanalysis is also used in the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression. It states in the behavioral observations that this is evidenced by the shaking hands the tearing when fill out the intake forms. I would then use free association in
What exactly is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist? Psychologists receive graduate training in psychology and pursue either a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) or Psy. D. (Doctor of Psychology) in clinical or counseling psychology. Psychiatrists are physicians that have specific training in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses. Sub categories of psychology.
1B.) Having seen this in the video changed my way of thinking of development as I learned babies learn through their own experience to fear height and depth. I use to believe babies were just scared of these things because their parents would tell them “no don’t do that” or scream in fear as the child is in danger. In reality if the child doesn’t learn on his own to fear height and depth no matter how much the parent says “no” or tries to keep them from falling, the child will continue to do so until it learns the danger it comes with such as falling and getting hurt. It also changed my mind to development as it taught me that when I decide to have children I need to let them explore in order for them
When I started this class this pass September I had a little knowledge of psychology. In my junior year of high school I took Psychology as an elective class. I really enjoy it alot, it amaze me how much there was to know about our brains. This September I came with the feeling that this psychology class was going to be way different from my psychology class from high school. And that my knowledge from my class before wasn’t going to be useful at all. But I was wrong, this class has actually been better than my other class. Because it has help dust off some of the concepted that I had learn before. But it has also made gain more knowledge about psychology that I didn’t knew before. For example the next concepts are the ones that had impacted me the most: critical thinking and the eight essential, implicit learning, short term and long term memories. I chose these concept because they have not only taught me more about psychology, but they have made a big impact on me.
Have you ever imagine what your going be doing in 10 years from now? Everyone has asked themselves that terrifying question before. I want to become a clinical psychologist because I have always been interested on how people think and react to different scenarios. Becoming a psychologist will help me get a better understanding on why people do the things they do. Also, within then next several years I will be in a internship at a hospital.There are several different types of psychologists but a clinical psychologist seems the most involved. There are different levels into authority in this field such as a associate's, bachelor's or master's degree. One of the key factor that deals with this field is the patients behavior.Most people think differently
Psychology is an extraordinarily diverse field with hundreds of career paths. Some specialties, like treating the mentally ill, are familiar to most. Others, like helping with the design of advanced computer systems or studying memory, are less well-known. What psychologists have in common is a shared interest in mind and behavior. In their work they draw on an ever-expanding body of scientific knowledge about how humans think, act, and feel, and apply the information to their special areas of expertise. The profession of clinical psychology encompasses both research and statistics, through which is learned fundamental data about behavior; and practice, through which that knowledge is applied in helping to solve