
Case Study On The Development Life Cycle Of CALPAS

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3.0 Introduction After discussing the literature preview in the previous chapter, this chapter will discuss about the project planning phase and methodology use in the project. The sub topics is described and determined by the model to be used. Methodology is the function of selecting the objectives of the project and establishing the policies, procedures and programs necessary for achieving them. It involves planning for schedule development, budget development, project administration, leadership styles and conflict management. It is very important because project planning can eliminate or reduce uncertainty, improve efficiency of the operation, obtain a better understanding of the objective etc. The chapter will end with a questionnaire and analysis of the questionnaire. …show more content…

Some developers use prototyping model, RAD model, Spiral Model and so on. CALPAS is designed using V-Shaped Model because it is simple and easy to use; each phase has specific deliverables, higher chance of success over the waterfall model due to the early development of test plans during the life cycle, works well for small projects where requirements are easily understood and so

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