a. Give me the name and purpose of group you will be evaluating. I will be evaluation my current job at the pharmacy. It is a functioning retain pharmacy that’s main purpose is to distribute drugs and assist in the wellbeing of our community.
b. How long were you involved in this group?
I have been involved in the pharmacy for 16 months.
c. List the first names of people you will be including in your evaluation.
Tasha, Nick, Brittany, Jennifer, Briley, Liz.
a. Who was the leader of the group? (There may have been one leader or multiple leaders.) Brittany and Nick are the two pharmacists and are the leaders. When both of them are here, Brittany is usually the leader.
b. What functions of leadership did s/he fulfill? (If multiple leaders,
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Was s/he a designated or emergent leader? (Define the type in your answer and explain why you believe the leader fits this type. If multiple leaders, list separately.)
Both Brittany and Nick are designated leaders. The own the business together and they are also both pharmacists.
a. What style of leadership did s/he use (laissez-faire, democratic, authoritarian)?
Britney is more of a democratic leader where Nick is more of an authoritarian leader.
b. How did the leader demonstrate this style? (Define the style in your answer and give specific examples.) (If multiple leaders, list separately on both a & b.)
A democratic leader invites other members to share in decision making. Brittany always includes the technicians and interns when there is a problem. she asks our opinion and then acts on it, or delegates the task to one of us.
An authoritarian leader relies on legitimate, coercive, and reward power to influence others. Nick tends to scare some of the employees and is more verbal with his feelings, he isn't afraid to tell you what he thinks. H also signs people’s checks and so he has leverage
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(See chapter 9 of your text.) Define the role and give specific examples of each role you and others participated in. Specifically name at least 4 dysfunctional roles. Remember that more than one person may have fulfilled the role – give specific examples.
Blocker- Interferes with progress by rejection ideas or taking negative stand on any and all issues; refuses to cooperate. Tasha will get mad sometimes if things don't go her way, she sometimes raises her voice and shuts everyone's ideas down.
Aggressor- Struggles for status by deflating the status of others; boasts; criticizes. Nick sometimes gets angry and insults others. One time in particular I remember Nick shouting at Brittany that she is wrong and stupid for thinking that. He of course apologized, but it was shocking to hear.
To be honest, I have never seen Brittany exhibit any traits of a dysfunctional role.
Joker- Displays a lack of involvement in the group through inappropriate humor, horseplay, or cynicism. Sometimes Jennifer makes cruel jokes or said racist slurs at customers when they leave or of other employees when they aren't
Group Members & Responsibilities/Work (What was each person responsible for/what did they do? Include yourself.)
.54#2. What are your ethical responsibilities to group members at the termination of their group? Explain
In this group there were no disruptive members. I filled the role of an observer, I offered feedback at the end of the session. The counselor filled the role of standard setter. There was an encourager, a harmonizer, an expediter, and a follower.
Our staffs consist of Grace, a marketing specialist, Levi a writer/editor, Lakysha, a staff assistant and her husband who is a photographer. And we have Alexis as director of external affairs, and also the stakeholders.
1. Describe the 3 situations that can lead to the creation of a subordinate group status and give an example for each.
1. Determine the leadership style that Peter Vyas exhibited as he considered the group’s proposal and provide examples of his behavior.
The group leader may be perceived as a parent figure. In the same way people experience stages of life from childhood to old age, so too, does the group. In the same way a child is dependent, and looks towards their parent(s) for guidance and protection, so to, will the group members (Tuckman, 1965, p. 387; Wheelan, 1994, p. 14; Wheelan, 2003, p. 224; Wheelan, 2005a, p. 119; Forsyth & Burnette, 2005, p. 11).
I believe Donald Trump best fits the role of an authoritarian leader due to his abilities to tolerate violence, dictate policies and procedures, and control all aspects without consideration of subordinates. It’s hard to disagree with that when the media fills the community in about almost all the decisions our president is making and the ways he is making them. President Trump's actions, decisions, and interactions suggest authoritarian behavior.
Can you identify any obstacles that may interfere with the group meeting the goals? If so, can you identify any solutions (If the obstacles are related to a specific physical, cognitive, or language, or cultural needs of a participant, a facilitator will meet one-on-one with them to discuss solutions)?
The consulting division combines with world class skills of more than 600 staffs who directly deals with the market professionals every day. It give in-depth details of each needs and choices. This truly unique features give the business partners to work smarter and grow faster. It creates clear-cut views and impacts through research based consultancy.
1. To what extent were the actions of Bernard Ebbers indicative of leadership, and to what extent did Ebbers display destructive deviant behavior? Provide examples of leadership and deviant behavior from the case.
Authoritarian leadership is most suitable in situations in which employees are brand new and inexperienced in their jobs. Furthermore, this type of leadership can be appropriate in situations where time is constrained. In some other circumstances, employees challenge the leader’s authority, or a business or department has been mismanaged by a prior
b) Role. The set of rights, obligations, and expectations associated with a status. Roles guide our behavior and allow us to predict the behavior of others. As a student, you are expected to attend class, listen and take notes, study for tests, and complete assignments. This is called role requirement. Roles simplify social interaction, but may also lead to role strain where an individual has trouble determining which role he or she should play. Role conflict takes place when one is forced to take on two different and incompatible roles at the same time.
What aspects of Eve’s leadership approach directly or indirectly affected the problems that developed? Clearly explain the connections between Eve’s behaviors and the resulting problems.
Contamination of the medicine due to slight imbalance in the formula, moisture, temperature, air pressure or dirt particles