
Case Study on the Second Step Early Learning Curriculum

Decent Essays

After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of all the curriculums that were presented during the poster presentation, I have decided to purchase the Second Step Early Learning curriculum developed by the organization Committee for Children. This curriculum teaches skills that improve students’ ability to understand their own and other’s emotions, show empathy, be able to self-regulate, solve problems, and decrease the frequency of their disruptive behavior, including both verbal and physical aggression. (Second Step Program Review of Research) There are two main reasons and a couple small advantages that make me decided to choose this curriculum: The first reason is that this Second Step Early Learning classroom-based curriculum is designed to be offered every class day for five to seven minute mini-lessons instead of a hour long lesson offered about once or twice per week like other curriculums. The advantage of this mini-lesson design is that since it is only a few extra minutes per day, it would not affect the current routine and schedule that is already acquired by the preschoolers, so it will be easier for them to adapt to this new additional lesson. Also, since there are many different ways to present the lesson, for instance, story telling, discussions, singing, small group activities, or puppet shows, it can also be a special opening for each class. Furthermore, by presenting these mini-lessons each day, it can help the preschoolers to practice, learn,

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