
Case Summary: The Case Of Apple Vs. The FBI

Decent Essays

The cases of Apple vs. the FBI started development on December 2nd 2016, when Syed Rizwan Farook killed 14 people in the San Bernardino shooting. The case has brought out many questions about how much power the government actually has.
“Protection of this type of technology would entail strict use to a very small group or even one group that has very few people involved in the usage of this technology,” criminal justice teacher, Mrs. Cheryl Eisenhour said. “It may work if there is assurance of limited personnel involved in this activity,” she said.
According to, they aren’t supporting the acts of Syed Rizwan Farook, but they gave the FBI the information they asked for. Apple said the reason why they are having this problem with the FBI is because, the FBI wants Apple to make a new version of the iPhone …show more content…

According to, The Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, states in section B6 that personnel and medical files and similar files, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. This means that the private information on citizens phones are included in this information. “The FBI should pay because they are essentially disrupting Apple’s business protocol and technology norms,” Mrs. Eisenhour said. “The only problem is that if the FBI pays the cost, it will be indirectly paid by tax papers,” she said.. According to, having a secure hacking process would take seven software engineers ( who on average are paied $102,857)and three other employees. They would have to work four weeks, full-time. According to, having a secure hacking process it would take seven software engineers (who get paid $147,049 on average ) and three other employees. They would have to work four weeks, full-time, but it would cost less than

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