1. TDO 6.3 discusses several principles that can be used for category creation (enumeration, single property, multiple property, similarity, etc.). Identify at least three principles for creating categories that are in use in the census form. Tie each of the principles you identify to at least one specific census question. Explain what each principle is and how it is being used. Single property: The question – “What is the person's sex?” is categorized into a single property as the response to this question is either male or female. The gender property is an intrinsic static property of the person. Here the single property of gender is pragmatically relevant in categorizing the resource to male or female. Family resemblance: "What is this person’s …show more content…
Assumptions and biases are unavoidable in organizing but it is important to be thoughtful about your own assumptions when you are creating categories and for you to be able to critically assess other categories that you encounter. Suggest modifications to the census form that you would make to address each of the assumptions you articulated in part 3 above. Are you suggesting new principles for creating the categories? Are you suggesting the use of different …show more content…
The addition of this property along with 'other' would provide more granularities to this question and would eliminate the assumption made. The question on the race of the person could be modified such that there is a clear hierarchal structure to the categorization of multiple properties. For example, Asian could be constructed as a hypernym having sub-categories such as Chinese, Japanese. A well-defined hierarchal structure would provide more granularities to the properties. Again, the question inquiring the highest degree or level of school of the person could greatly benefit from a hierarchal structure that would assign properties into different sub categories such as school grade or college degree. Separating all the grades into each individual property could eliminate the bias from the result of the survey. 5. Reflect on this process. Your reflection does not need to be limited to the following questions but make sure to at least address each of these questions. Was it difficult to analyze the assumptions and biases that might be present? Did using the design questions help you? Which design questions seemed most useful, were any of them not useful? Can you identify any of your own assumptions or biases in the modifications you suggested in part 4
6. Although you are basically satisfied with the analysis thus far, you are concerned about the
M2 part - Considering your work for Task 2 e or f, indicate how some of the fundamental principles of HCI have been applied and how the specific need has been met.
Before you start working on this part of your assessment, carry out some planning by answering the following questions.
Review the PowerPoint presentation ("Program Evaluation--BPHI") for an example of a completed program design. Based on your review of the presentation and Chapter 2 of the textbook, discuss at least five different important program characteristics that must be considered when designing a program evaluation.
THESIS: Scientists and other intellectuals recognize the modern concept of "race" as an artificial category that developed over the past five centuries due to encounters with non-European people. Even though people still attempt to organize humans into categories according to their race, these categories have been shown to have no scientific basis.
A majority of people here in the United States have felt a touch of the issues, that come with classification of race. Due to this, many men and women of the minority racial groups are put in to sub-groups as a way to “help” give them an identity that can relate to. This idea to separate people by giving them identities is called the Racial Formation Theory. First introduced by Michael Omi and Howard Winant, the theory is a tool that helps build the idea that race is a social contracted tool where your racial status is weighed upon by many factors such as by those social, economic and political origin. By using race a way to build lines and boundaries, this has resulted in causing a rift to grow between the majority and minority
The current census questions concerning race and Hispanic origin questions are respectful in that it allows Hispanic individual to classify how they see themselves instead of just lumping every Hispanic person into one category. The depth in which the census goes into identifying Hispanics and say an American Indian or Alaska Native tribes shows that we as people now know that not every Hispanic or American Indian are the same, in that they have different cultures. The categories do make sense. I don’t think that the categories should expand or change because it also has an additional box that says other race if you feel as if you don’t identify with any of the races listed above. The government could be interested in race and ethnicity for
Ethnicity and race are ways to differentiate a group of person from another; therefore, in the 21th century this terms has acquired a powerful meaning in society. A few months ago, I learned how significant this terms are.
a. Your approach to addressing the problem at hand (for example, specify the systems development life cycle or whatever approach you plan on taking).
1) Evaluate the design and the implementation of the performance bonus program at DPC. What changes would you suggest, if any?
Q8: Write a report that outlines the information you have gathered and any recommendations you would make as a result.
How would you address these in the future or change your assessment to better address these challenges?
People are usually categorized in terms of race and/or ethnicity. Race is a term typically used to classify people according to similar and specific physical characteristics. Ethnicity is a term more broadly used that connects people according to an inherited status such as: a shared ancestry, language, history, religion, cuisine, art, clothing style, and/or physical appearance, etc.
The musical “Cats” is an outstanding show that captivates audiences of all ages. It is based on a book of poems called, “Old Possum’s Book Of Practical Cats”, written by T.S. Eliot. “Cats” tells a nonsense story of different cats. The amazing music, unique costumes, and intricate dance choreography bring a breath-taking story to life that a leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.