
Cause Of World War 1 Essay

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Throughout history many people have argued over the cause of World War I, what many people state as the cause of World War I is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, on June 28, 1914.This event may have been the final straw but there were so many events that were leading up to this that have been ignored over the course of history. The imperialistic, territorial and economic rivalries that had intensified over the year’s added additional strain on the worlds affairs, countries clamored over the space trying to secure their “relationships” with other countries and people usually by means of force which was a major economic push factor for the leader of the countries to try and take over the nations with the raw materials they needed and added to the “unequal relationship” that was fueled by imperialism. Even taking these aspects into the cause of World War I it still leaves out a vast span of time in …show more content…

Over the passing centuries the head of the Ottoman Empire was changed from person to person, Ertugrul the original leader of the Ottoman Empire died in 1281 and on his death the role of leader was passed on to his son Osman Gazi who during his reign defeated the Byzantine force near Nicaea and lead the Siege of Bursa but sadly Osman was to die during that siege in 1326 when he fell ill and ordered his son to take Bursa. When news reached Osman Gazi on his deathbed that Bursa has been taken he dies in peace knowing that his final orders were followed through. Orhan Gazi ascended to the throne after his father s death in 1337 and during his reign the city of Izmit or Nicomedia is captured in 1337 adding to the territories the Ottoman Empire slowly but surely captured and later in time the cities of Kallipolis and Didymoteicho were also captured in 1354 from the Byzatine

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