
Cell Phones Negatives

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Cell phones are remarkably distracting when teens need to concentrate. Without the disturbance of phones, teens are able to focus better on academics rather than social media and texting. Despite these adverse circumstances, some people postulate that phones are advantageous when it comes to studying and doing homework. Phones stimulate the brain and are tremendously addictive for teens. Although phones have many of advantages while studying, the negatives overpower the positives. Keeping a cell phone on a nightstand may not seem like a massive deal, but technology affects teens sleep negatively in more ways than one realizes. Many young teens are compelled to sleep by excessive cell phone use. Reading, texting, or scrolling through social media from a phone or tablet before bed not only makes it harder to fall asleep, but also impacts how tired or alert you are the next day. According to new research from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, the conclusive evidence found, impacts everyone who uses a source of technology before bed. For example, “ comparison between reading with a light-emitting device and reading a printed book and the consequences of sleep.” (Beres 4) This study ran for two weeks straight and included twelve participants who read on an iPad for four hours before bed for five days straight and then paper books for four hours straight before bed for five days. The outcome was foreseeable. Therefore, it was tremendously easier

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