Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America or FCCLA has been a part of my life for six years now. I started as a sixth grader and have been hooked ever since. When I decided to join I would have never imagined I would be the chapter president or running to be the Wisconsin FCCLA State President. I have developed an endless amount of skills that have transformed me into the young adult I am right now. In the beginning when I first joined FCCLA I did not have a sense of what I wanted to do. I was without the confidence and maturity I have today. I was timid and unsure of myself. Would I actually involve myself in this organization or would I sit in the back and not do anything? I decided to get involved with community service activities and compete in a STAR Event.
FCCLA has many opportunities to allow you to grow and take on responsibilities. We plan community service events which let us get out into the community and give back to people who support us all year round. Not only do I help with these events I donate to them as well. Another way to be a part of FCCLA is to put together and compete with a STAR Event. This means Students Taking Action with Recognition. The STAR Event I have been involved in for the past six years is Parliamentary Procedure. In this event we run a proper business meeting while using Robert’s Rules of Order with seven other people. This event has allowed me to bond with people on my team and expand my knowledge about Parliamentary Procedure. Qualifying for State Leadership Conference for the past five years has been an honor. One year I was
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Growth is optional.” I knew FCCLA would change me but I never thought about how much is would allow me to grow and transform into the young adult I am today. Being the State Vice President of Parliamentary Law would not guarantee my transformation from childhood to adulthood but taking on the responsibilities and challenges
FBLA membership has benefitted me because I can truly say it led me to my career choice. Junior year I had the opportunity to participate in the SBE Program at the Ste. Genevieve Care Center. By being a part of this program, I was required to join FBLA. Although FBLA was an organization I had wanted to join for a while, I needed a push to get involved in the club. Being involved in this club was one of the greatest decisions I have made during my high school career. My first year in the organization, I competed in the straight to state event, Social Media Campaign. Due to this participation, I attended the District Leadership Conference where I was a timekeeper and the State Leadership Conference, where my partner and I presented our project. The State Leadership Conference was a memorable event as it was different than any other conference I had attended before. That year I also served on multiple committees and assisted in the decorating of the Senior Citizen’s Christmas Dinner.
As a secretary for the Turlock FFA chapter, I consider myself a leader. I have a taken a leadership position that has expanded my knowledge of how a leader should be and how to take responsibility. I have influenced other members from my school to participate in events and attend meetings. I have shown them what I learned and how I applied it to my everyday life. I also learned that I can improve and better myself from trying an experience that would take me out of my comfort zone. It was a little challenging adapting and keeping up with the events and
I never thought I would someday become a role model to nearly 12,000 Missouri high school students. These students are not any ordinary students; they are members of an organization that is truly the ultimate leadership experience. This organization is known as the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) and is a student led organization, based off of family and consumer sciences education. FCCLA has given me unbelievable opportunities! But of all of the opportunities this organization has provided me with, serving as a FCCLA state officer has definitely been the best. However, becoming a state officer wasn’t easy and required a long process.
The Rio Vista FFA Chapter means a lot to me. The officers, as well as the members, are like family and the organization is my life. I schedule my everyday activities around my FFA priorities and that does not faze me. I even have attended an FFA meeting over the phone when I was sick because I felt guilty for not being there in person. I love FFA one hundred percent because of how much I love my animals and get to be around them. Not only do I love it because it gives all of the more reason to tell people my animals come first but because of the additional things I get to be involved in. Being in all of the activities I have joined has changed my attitude toward hard work. FFA has showed me what priorities really are, what they mean, why a lot of things have to be put last, and the purpose of leadership, respect, and responsibility. The things I get to do in FFA helps me to realize that hard work will pay off and that it’s not all about livestock, fertile soil, crops, and leadership. The things I have done in FFA have not only made me a better person but also improved my skills and my self-confidence.
I am writing this letter to inform those who it concerns, that I will be resigning after the 11th of September, of my place, as president, in the Harrisburg FCCLA chapter. This letter comes after a lot of thought, contemplation, and sadness over my experience. Since my freshmen year, FCCLA has been a passion of mine. I loved everything it involved, stood for, and meant for so many people. Once being elected as our chapter’s president in May, I was incredibly excited for my senior year as president, however, after my trip to nationals, my excitement minimized.
SkillsUSA has been my life for the last two months. While that seems like hyperbole, between organizing our chapter for the Illinois State Skills Conference, the National Skills Conference, and forming elections for the next year, SkillsUSA has taken more of a time commitment than I ever would have imagined. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. From SkillsUSA, I’ve not only learned more about technical fields, but also about leadership, logistics, fundraising, marketing and so much more.
I have served in DECA as an officer since 10th grade when I was chosen to be Sophomore Representative. I have made it to the state level and received at least one award each year since starting in 9th grade. I also served as CFO in 11th grade, the youngest person to hold the position. During this time, I set up an inventory and sales tracking system for the school’s concession stand which serves as a fundraiser for competitors and the club. I was also chosen to be one of two Co-Presidents of the club for my senior year, and am working towards an even more successful club than of years
There are many opportunities within the Harrisburg High School District. FCCLA is a club that can teach you great leadership skills. Leading and presenting are a struggle for most people, and FCCLA is great for making those skills stronger. FCCLA stands for, Family Career and Community Leaders of America. It is also the only CSTO that focuses on the family. It is also very easy to join this club, and anyone can join. By doing so, you shall grab a form and pay the dues that need to be paid.
That really meant a lot to me, so after I was elected I wanted to make sure I did everything right. One of my first challenges was actually deciding whether or not to go to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. Our FFA goes on that trip every other year. I went to the last National Convention my freshman year just for fun, but this year I felt that I had a duty to go along and be a leader for our chapter by being involved. The problem is, last year I was on the varsity volleyball team. National Convention was at the same time that regional volleyball games were starting. I didn’t know what to choose – the volleyball team that I loved and had been committed to for three months already, or the organization that chose me to be their leader? I really didn’t know what to do. I finally chose to go with the FFA to Indianapolis. It would give me a chance to practice my leadership skills and get to know our FFA chapter better. I still felt like I was letting my team and coach down, but I felt more committed to FFA.
I joined SkillsUSA as a freshman in high school, merely because my audio/video production teacher asked me to. Shortly after joining the organization, I ran for district office and became SkillsUSA District 13 Chaplin; this entailed that I attend a summer leadership conference in central Texas. Upon receiving the SkillsUSA Texas Statesman Award at the SkillsUSA Texas Summer Leadership conference, many district officers, including myself, were eligible to attend a five-day national leadership conference in Washington, D.C. called the SkillsUSA Washington Leadership Training Institute (WLTI). At WLTI, students from all over the country go to a variety of leadership training sessions in preparation for their congressional visits at the U.S. House of Representatives taking place towards the end of the conference. Two students from a different school and I would visit with
Growing up in a small town, it is crucial that every individual get involved. This has pushed me to stay active in athletics, National Honor Society, student government, FFA, band, choir, play production, speech, and CYO. I take every organization I am involved with seriously and have earned some leadership positions: FFA News Reporter, Volleyball & Basketball Captain, Class President, and Student Council Member. It is an honor to hold these leadership positions and be a positive role model for the younger generation. I am able to support those younger than me and demonstrate a hard work ethic. By using my leadership and communication skills I have been able to influence teammates and fellow members to have a positive attitude
My interest in the CISL program would be a great opportunity to learn about the many different cultures around the world. I am very fascinated on the things that happen in the world. Learning about a specific culture could possibly give me a different perspective of that country. I hear about the things that happen in the other countries on the news. Most of the things I hear on the news are about how their countries are putting in new laws or that there has been an attack in that country. For example, in Social Studies class, we watch CNN Student News to keep us updated on what goes on in the world. My career goal in the future is to be a singer, and I would like to know about the countries that I would possibly tour and visit. I live in an
Everyone becomes a part of something in high school that makes them who they are. Whether it’s a club, organization, group, or team, students in high school will most likely become involved in something they will remember forever. For me, it was becoming a member of the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. FCCLA has allowed me to become involved and learn more than I could have ever imagined. By becoming a member of this esteemed organization I was able to experience new ways to give service to my community and become involved in many other clubs. In addition, this organization has permitted me to travel many new places and hold multiple officer positions. All of this has taught me skills I am able to use for the rest of my life. Not only would my application be incomplete without FCCLA, but being a part of this organization has made me who I am today.
deal more than I need to learn before I can achieve my dream of building a business in the Asia
The bible suggests that "the sins of the father" can haunt multiple generations of a family before finally being resolved. But this was written long ago, when people generally did not live very long and did not have the incredible resources modern peoples can access in terms of knowledge, material resources and medical care.