
Challenger Explosion

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Public Administration is a fairly new concept in comparison to other disciplines. It is a combination of at least 10 different humanities, and has become an important staple within federal, state and local governments/organizations. The Columbia and Challenger tragedies that befell the NASA space program allow for a great opportunity to apply Public Administration concepts to the real world. There were many issues that surrounded each accident and it’s not possible to place a definitive blame on anyone. It’s important to recognize the various theories within Public Administration that help explain the way an organization is run. The theory that organizations should ignore their constituency as well as abstain from voicing their concerns with those in politics undermines the idea of democracy and allows for these agencies to neglect their purpose as a societal vanguard. …show more content…

It is paramount to recognize that power is a crucial and permanent authority structure within organizations and in American society. Power works a countless amount of ways. It can be based on merit, knowledge, or the ability to influence or control others. Jeffrey Pfeffer asserted that, “…Power is first control and foremost a structural phenomenon, and should be understood as such”. (pg. 65). These power dynamics were at play when the engineers were silenced before the Challenger explosion. The situation was somewhat similar during the Columbia accident.
Through a force field analysis, it is easier to understand why this agency acted in such a way that they would put astronauts lives at risk. Management weighed their options, and they were “satisficed” with their decision to launch. They were racing against other countries and had to view the launches from every side: societal, political, business, etc. It wasn’t until afterwards when they pieced together the situation, that they recognized their

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