
Chandler Vs. Chandler: Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

I appreciate your option and I understand that you are defending Chandler but I do not understand why you are yelling at me because all I did was ask chandler why she was talking bad about one of my best friends. If the rolls were reversed and I heard that shayla why she was talking about chandler in a negative way to other people I would do the same thing.In me and Chandlers text message conversation I did not blame her or yell at her, all that I said is that I was disappointed in her. I love Chandler to death and she is my best friend so when hearing this news I could not believe that she would be going around saying such bad things about someone I care about. I apologize if I can off in a rude in any way but I feel that this text message was uncalled for and I don’t understand why chandler could not of called me or texted me this …show more content…

If there is anything more that needs to be said I would like it to come from chandler because I would like to think that she would come to me and talk to me if she has a problems because once again she is my best

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