
Change Strategies For Improving Workplace Transformations.

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Change Strategies for Improving Workplace Transformations

Effective Human Resource management requires a strong understanding of the logistics of managing change. Now more than ever organizations are facing fundamental shifts in their markets. Very often however, organizations become caught up by their internal dynamics. It is not surprising that companies are reluctant to undergo coordinated programs of change for a fear of failure. Successful Change management needs to be a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an organization and on the individual level. The four key areas of successful change management are: Understanding change, Planning change, Managing resistance to change and Implementing …show more content…

They are being forced to engage in areas of the business, that they may have never experienced or have the skill level to take on. Each organization needs to make sure to incorporate the value of personal development for all managers, allowing them to be equipped and prepared to manage change as well as to take on their leadership roles. Knowing how to lead and motivate employees through their workplace is a crucial part of the larger scope of change management and leadership development. It’s paramount to recognises that leadership and change management skills are not exclusive of each other. Leadership is especially important in senior management positions, whereas each level of change management can range from senior, middle and junior managers. By effectively planning and controlling your organization’s human capital and processes for which they are responsible, change managers can provide a positive and professional environment. Each level of management requires appropriate skills and abilities; when we first look at the senior level managers, their responsible for setting the strategies and objectives in order to lead and inspire the initiated change in others. The middle manager 's main skills and abilities are to lead their team in order to deliver the specific objective that was set by upper management. To become an effective change manager, an individual should show specific qualities and competencies, these cover both leadership and

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