
Chapter 2: Scripture And Christian Ethics

Decent Essays

“Chapter 2: Scripture and Christian Ethics” Throughout chapter two, Scripture and Christian ethics directs one with questions on moral conduct also character, that’s seeking the good life (Verhey 17). Equally, one will find Scripture is completely trustworthy considering God was in control of its writing. Therefore, its words are entirely authoritative. Notably, Scripture is our standard for testing everything that claims to be true. That is to say, in case one forget their source for guidance or how one should live, one must be attentive to the Scripture purpose—to equip one to do well (good). In fact, the Torah Law gives revelation of the will of God for one’s morals also conduct in the Old Testament. However, as time passed the Law became tradition of the elders in the New Testament. This included using of prophets, as they were messengers of God, announcing his word of judgement (Verhey 17-18). Truly, one can seek too much from the Bible Scripture; it is not a specific map for all areas and …show more content…

Biblical ethics are, first of all, personal; second, the ethics of the Bible are emphatically theistic. They focus on God. Third, most significantly, biblical ethics are deeply concerned with the internal response to morality rather than mere outwards. Fourth, Scripture’s ethical motivation was found in a future orientation. The belief in a future resurrection. The fifth and finally characteristic of biblical ethics is that they are universal. They embrace the same standard of righteousness for every nation and person (Butler 442).” The Books of th Bible, Proverbs and the Ten Commandments speaks volumes on biblical

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