
Charles Murray's Essay 'Are Too Many People Going To College'

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It has been said over and over again that human intellect is important to have. As we grow older, we can see that this statement is true. Knowledge is a powerful attribute. Some people may argue that the only way to be an intellectual person is to have a piece a paper signed and noted by a superior official affirming you have done all the coursework within the field of study i.e. a diploma. Others may be at the other end of the spectrum and believe that real knowledge is something that we gain as we grow older and can be reinforced with hands on experience. The author Charles Murray, writes in his essay, “Are Too Many People Going to College,” people who go to college are strategically creating a separation in the American class system and …show more content…

He asserted that people move up to a better positions due to all the years of hands on experience but in today’s work force companies will never pay a person with lower credentials more than a person with higher credentials. These same people could also argue and say that critical thinking skills do not help you and that it does not matter how much you make but the fact that you have a job where you are satisfied. Critical thinking is not a bad thing or even a thing to fear critical thinking could lead us to a whole new era. Leading us to new horizons that have been explored if a person with passion is educated their passion will turn into innovations and open new doors. Doors that lead us to something better than satisfaction. We cannot fear or think that college is not a good thing or that it is not for everyone. We have to get that mindset out of our heads and think openly to new things that will not only let us be economically stable in this economy but lead our passion to new innovations. Intelligence is very important to have but it also very important not to waste it when we know we can all do so much

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