
Chasing The Falconers Essay

Decent Essays

Story review

The name of the book is Chasing the falconers. The main characters are Aiden and Meg Falconer, who are siblings, Miguel Reyes and Hairless Joe. The setting of this book starts off in Sunnydale, mainly at night, the barn and jail. But since they are always on the run the setting changes a lot throughout the story.

Aiden and Meg Falconer parents were respected criminologists that were working with a CIA agent named Frank Lindenauer. They were investigating terrorist cases when out of no where the agent disappears. The Falconers are charged sentenced to life in prison even though they were framed for something they did not do. Their children Aiden and Meg are at a juvenile detention center while their parents are gone. Aiden and Meg want to prove their parents innocence. Later on in the story, An accidental fire occurs at the Juvenile Center. This was the perfect escape for Aiden and Meg. Now that they were on the run, They needed to find clues and evidence to prove their parents innocence. While they were on the run they meet a man named Miguel. Miguel wanted to help them find clues and evidence to clear their parents names. While they were in Vermont a mysterious man they call …show more content…

In the book, Aiden and Meg need to prove that their parents are not guilty. It is a rocky road for them but just like in the world, people may be framed for things they didn’t do. And their family members might want to go and prove their innocence. It may be tough to gather all the evidence and proof just like how it was difficult for Aiden and Meg. Another connection I could make with this book to another book is that this book had a lot of adventurous themes. And it had lots of action and crime. The theme of this book reminded me of the book "Ice Drift” by Theodore Taylor that my teacher read a long time ago to me! It had a lot of suspense and adventure in it, just like in “Chasing the

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