
Chemical Reactivity Lab Report

Decent Essays

One discrepancy that has to be explained would be for Part F(Chemical Reactivity
Of Some Representative Elements), question 3 is we failed to obtain a result because time ran out before we could complete the experiment. However, based on my research, the calcium hydroxide salt would be more soluble than the magnesium hydroxide salt because the calcium is more reactive than magnesium. This is because calcium has 20 electrons thus, an electronic configuration of However, magnesium has 12 electrons thus, an electronic configuration of 2.8.2 . In other words, calcium has four electron shells but magnesium has three making it easier for calcium to lose an electron as the distance between the nucleus and the electrons in calcium is further …show more content…

Thus, Chlorine would be the most electronegative, followed by Bromine and finally Iodine. Plus, a higher halogen will be able to displace a lower halogen from its halide solution. The next concept is the reaction between an alkali metal and water, specifically sodium metal and water. Before the reaction, the sodium metal was stored in kerosene to prevent it from reacting with the moisture or oxygen that is in the air. This is because sodium is a very reactive metal and will easily react with the moisture present in the air to form sodium hydroxide. This is an extremely strong exothermic reaction and a lot of heat is generated. Moving on, when sodium is placed into a test tube containing water and phenolphtalein, a vigorous reaction takes place where sodium hydroxide along with hydrogen gas is formed. The presence of the sodium hydroxide can confirmed by the change in color of the phenolpthalein to pink while the presence of the hydrogen gas can be confirmed by placing a glowing wooden splinter into the test tube and hearing a 'pop' sound.
The last concept is comparing the reactivity of metals specifically magnesium and

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