
Chemical Relaxer Research Paper

Decent Essays

A Relaxer is a chemical solution that alters the texture of your hair. It is typically used by black women but people of different ethnicities use this product to straighten their hair. “It works by breaking down disulfide bonds bonds in bonds your hair which either loosens the curl pattern or by completely elongating it. This alteration is permanent and can lead to brittleness. (Types of Relaxers)”
The man behind the relaxer is Garrett Morgan. his discovery in 1909 lead to the growth of a multimillion dollar hair industry. Morgan opened a tailoring shop with his wife who had experience as a seamstress. Morgan worked with the sewing machines but often encountered issues with the needles scorching woolen fabric. To remedy this, he created a chemical solution to reduce the friction of the needles but he noticed the hairs of the fabric were straighter. He …show more content…

Chemical relaxers were used assimilate into white society. “America found the more European traits they had, the higher class they could be. The less apparent their African roots were - the more bleached and straightened their features were - the more refined (less savage) they could be considered. (The Oppressive)” This idea can still be seen in modern times and our perception of beauty is challenged. Black women often hear terms like “nappy” that degrades their natural state. This would cause them alter their hair through this extreme method.
As a black woman who has had experience with this product, I know the dangers of relaxers. I experienced permanent chemical burns around my ears at the age of six. My hair has never grown in those areas and my hair eventually became dry and brittle. There are other ways to straighten your hair that are less damaging than this chemical process. Relaxers should never be considered because the risks always far outweighs the

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