
Childhood Obesity : The Prevalence Of Obesity

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In recent years, the world’s prevalence of obesity in children has increased alarmingly in most of the countries. It is estimated that 170 million of children under 18 years old are overweight, in the US there is a 30% prevalence of obesity, similarly 27% of children in Mexico are obese (OCDE, 2014; Gutiérrez et al., 2012). In some countries like East Germany, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Canada the prevalence of overweight children had risen by one percentage point each year (Wang & Lobestein, 2006). According to an OCDE report obesity rates have grown more rapidly with low socioeconomic and education (OCDE, 2014). Childhood obesity is of concern because obese children are more likely to keep excess weight in adulthood increasing their risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular diseases (Currie et al., 2012). Currently, cases of children and adolescents with insulin resistance, diabetes, dyslipidemia or hypertension, obesity-related conditions have been reported (Pires et al, 2014; Sorof and Daniels, 2002). The causes of childhood obesity can be attributed to various factors such as a higher calorie intake, especially from fat and sugar, a marked decrease in physical and other social factors such as food advertising, sedentary lifestyles, agricultural and health policies, built in environment, transportation, food availability and education among others (WHO, 2015; Robinson, 1999). The World Health Organization also recognizes

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