
Children Of Poverty : Children

Decent Essays

Children Living in Poverty
Twenty-two percent of children in the United states are living in families that have an income less than the federal poverty level, which is over sixteen million children living in poverty (National Center for Children in Poverty). Children are judged based on their parent’s financial standings, and children that are living in poverty are commonly made fun of, known as the outcast, and are isolated because they are different from most families. Whether it’s not having the nicest clothes, or not having a computer and TV at home; these children are looked at differently. Children who are living in poverty tend to struggle in the school atmosphere, receive lack of emotional support, more susceptible to violence, and lack nutrition and health, causing not only physical but mental complications that have a huge affect on children.
Children who are living in poverty are more likely to struggle in school and develop at a slower rate then others who are living in a stable environment. Everyone starts school at the same age, however, a child that is living in poverty is more likely to be academically behind then other students in their class from the beginning (Hart 268). This is because they entered school without having any previous experiences of learning how to read or write before hand. “Forty percent of children living in poverty aren’t prepared for primary schooling” (Save Our Schools Inc.). Upper-income children are more likely to comprehend at a

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