
Chin A Dominant World Player

Decent Essays

It is widely known that China has been rising in its political power. China’s exponential economic growth and increased international political activity increases its chances in increasing its power, which also increases its influence on other countries. As China continues to expand in its power, western power has steadily began to decline; with the recession hitting the United States in 2008, the States have been declining as a prominent world power. As China begins to gain more power and the Unite States’ power staggers, there are two possibilities: China will either begin to rise peacefully, or China will rise with conflict and tension. Realists recognize that as China becomes a dominant world player, the country will influence the …show more content…

For example, in the aspect of China’s economy, the country is becoming more economically active with other countries. China currently holds 1.8 trillion in foreign exchange reserves; these foreign exchange reserves come from their exports. (Lotta 36) The United States alone receives the most goods from China as opposed to any other country. With China leading in its exports, the country’s current holdings have become a leverage in today’s world economy. The rapid development of capitalism in the country will pose a threat to the powers of the United States. Ultimately, this will bring about conflict among China and the United States; China’s rise will undermine the United States’ unipolar moment, and will give China the upper hand when it comes to international relations. Resulting from this, there would be conflict over the international rules and regulations. In short, as of 2008, China’s participation in world affairs has increased, thus, allowing their economy to flourish; as this happens, China will have an opportunity to shift the laws of international affairs in their favor, and this will lead to Western powers being unsatisfied. Therefore, tension among Western order and Chinese order will prevail.
Along with the dissatisfaction on the United States’s side brought about economically, tension will also come about through politically. In 2010, relations between China and the united States began to decline on account of the growing sense of

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