China One Child Policy As many people know, China is a communist country in East Asia where human rights have been violated for many decades. According to Google’s public data its population is about 1.36 billions of citizens who unfortunately have suffer many regulations. Those regulations has affected the way they life because they cannot do the same thing people do in most countries in the world. For example, they have control in social medias such as Facebook, they cannot visit some informative websites because the government does not want the to see how is the world outside china. Also they have control over their money, it is extremely hard for them to take money outside the country. One of the most horrible policies china has made was the One Child policy. According to Britannica This policy was established in the year 1980, the policy’s purpose was to slow the growth of the population. However it was taking away from families the possibility of having more than one kid. Now after almost forty years, the policy has been modified to the point that each family can have two children. While many people thing …show more content…
According to data from The World Bank, the birth rate in china is 1.7 per every woman, which shows that is not accomplishing the one child per couple purpose it was created for. This just proves that in china almost 2 kids are being born per every couple. The fact is that they can not keep them in any legal way; therefore, all the women suffering because of this policy is not being worth at all because it is just causing many people’s rights to be violated with not reason. In addition, it is extremely unfair for the kids to deny the right knowing what it is like to have a sibling. Now, that many Chinese families will have two children, kids will have someone to play with them and to have a companion while
The one child policy only hurt China more due to its lowering fertility rate prior to the policy. “China had already achieved a remarkable fertility reduction, halving the number of children per women from 5.8 in 1970 to 2.7 in 1979.” (Document B) The facts shown here show that the policy was not necessary. In addition, since the population was already going
But the question is, is China's one child policy really needed? China's one child policy was unnecessary because their population was already in decline, it led to fewer people getting married and it affected the mental health of the newer generations. First, the one child policy was implemented when China's population was already declining. "At the time of the policy's announcement [in 1980], China had already achieved a remarkable fertility reduction, halving the number of children per woman from 5.8 in 1970 to 2.7 in 1979"(Document B). If the fertility rates were already declining and the one child policy was put in place, it would "forcefully alter kin relations for Chinese families, and result in accelerated aging" (Document B).
While china One child Policy was aimed for improvement, the policy has caused some serious social consequences. The New England Journal of Medicine 's article "The Effect of China 's One-Child Family Policy after 25 Years" discuss the social consequences of Chinas One child policy. The One child policy in china begin when Chinese governments viewed population containment as a benefit for living and economic improvement. They created a one child policy that limits the size of families, the policy also includes regulations regarding marriage, spacing and childbearing. The strict policy is controlled with rewards and penalties, it applies to minorities of china which are Urban residents and government employees with the exception of one-child families, first children with disabilities and workers in high-risk work settings. The policy three social consequences concerning population growth, the ratio between men and women, and the ratio between adult children and dependent elderly parents. Each social consequences causes disastrous results. The policy is a sex imbalance that creates social consequences. The sex imbalance is what causes the different social consequence with undesirable effects. The first social consequence is decrease in population growth. Population growth in china has declined in the past 25 years. The policy has prevented many births as stated in the article " Chinese authorities claim that the policy has prevented 250 to 300 million births. The total
China has already more than halved its birth rate, so some Chinese citizens saw the one child policy as a useless affair. China's birth rate was 1.7 per woman as of 2008, compared to South Korea's 1.2 despite them not having such a policy (Document B). This lends more credibility to the idea that the one child policy wasn't required.
China’s One Child Policy was founded in 1949, this policy was founded upon the idea that China’s population was growing at an exponential rate (Doc B). China had one of the largest growing populations at over 150 million every year and with a population density of over 104 people/sq. km in rural areas and in cities up to 22,350/sq. km (Pop. Den.). China’s One Child Policy focuses on lowering the fertility rate of women and in turn lowers the population and population density, this is done by limiting most of the Chinese society to only having one child. China’s One Child Policy was a good idea because it focused on academic achievement, lessened the load on the environment and lowers fertility rates in women which then in turn lowers the already crowded Chinese population.
What is important to understand the One Child Policy is the reasoning behind it and what spurred the Chinese government to do something so drastic. When Mao Zedong’s communist rule was in full
One child policy gained a lot of critique and controversy during its implementation, especially for the issue of human rights abuse. The human rights abuse that happen during one child policy is referred to the women’s right. China says the one child policy that run more than 30 years has helped to reduce the population by more than 400 million people. However, critics are come from the international during the one child policy, China has been extensively criticized for forcing women to have abortions, sterilized, babies trafficking and give a punishment to those who disobey the rule as part of the policy. Moreover, there are wide reports about female baby infanticide by parents who want a son. Instead of bring a ‘pros’, one child policy of China is not only make the problems in the domestic area such as
China's One Child Policy was a very bad idea and should not have been implemented at all. If Chinese couples want to have as many kids as they want then instead of averting birth China should have to adapt to the changes and support the families. China could branch out or expand land for farming needs to support the increase of
The final reason that the one-child policy was a bad idea is because of the fact that China’s fertility rate was already decreasing and was one of the lowest rates compared to Brazil, South Korea, and Thailand in 1979 making the policy pointless and unnecessary. “The claim by the Chinese officials that the one child policy has helped avert over 400 million births simply cannot be substantiated by
There has been a long history of China’s one child policy, since it was first introduces in 1979 by a Chinese Leader Deng Xiaoping (Rosenberg n.p). The law was meant to be temporary and used to control the population; however it is still in use today (Rosenberg n.p). When the policy was first enforced, it only
The One-Child Policy has its pros and cons. It has benefited China as it reduced social problems, economic problems, environmental problems, and poverty. Of course, it has its downsides as well. This policy involves forced abortions and an increase in problems with family support. One must decide if the One-Child Policy is either necessary or a terrible idea. In my opinion, I honestly believe that the
In China there policy for birth control is a state policy and they must sustain it with no questions asked. The birth control system is a system that is assemble for punishment . The president of Women’s Rights without frontiers said “ Characterising this latest modifications abandoning the one-child policy misleading. Women are arrested if they refuse to have an abortion than it is is forced on them . The policy for China’s One Child Policy was made up on September 25, 1980.
Since 1980, China has made its people the subject of an intrusive and unfair, One Child Policy. This policy was the result of Chinese officials becoming worried of the countries jump in population from 1960 to 1980 causing a widespread lack of resources, so they decided to induct a law that would make force Chinese citizens to be limited to one child. Because of this controversial policy the question has been raised, did the one child policy positively or negatively effect China? The one child policy did negatively effect China and its people, because it resulted in gender discrimination, unjust punishments and was unnecessary due to the already declining fertility rate.
In china you were only allowed to have one child. Do you think this is fair? In the year 1980 Mao Zedong looked at china's rapidly growing population and decided to implement the one child policy. The one child policy means that each chinese couple can only have one child. China's one child policy was a bad idea because it was hurtful to the only child, it was unnecessary, and it created an imbalance between the elderly and the young.
“Vigilantes abduct pregnant women on the streets and haul them off, sometimes handcuffed or troused, to abortion clinics (some) aborted babies cry when they are born,” said Steve Mosher. China’s policy was so strict to a point where they prevented a child’s birth just to keep the population number low. Statistics show that the Chinese government prevented over 400 million births. The one-child policy was implemented to curb a then surging population and limit the demands for water and other resources, as well as to alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems in China. One of the most significant effects of the policy has been on China’s sex ratio. China has a grossly unequal ratio of about 114 males to every 100 females. Due to the policy, many families were forced to only having one child. With that, baby boys were valued in China’s society than baby girls because boys carry on the ancestral name and are responsible for taking care of aged parents. Because of this many families would abandon their baby girl, sometimes leaving her on the streets, railways stations, and public buildings. The one-child policy left no more than sad memories for China’s nation. The law consisted of forced abortions and an unbalanced gender society. Although it was meant for the greater good of the people by decreasing the population to increase scarce resources, it caused many girls to be left abandoned by their own families.