
China One Child Policy Essay

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China One Child Policy As many people know, China is a communist country in East Asia where human rights have been violated for many decades. According to Google’s public data its population is about 1.36 billions of citizens who unfortunately have suffer many regulations. Those regulations has affected the way they life because they cannot do the same thing people do in most countries in the world. For example, they have control in social medias such as Facebook, they cannot visit some informative websites because the government does not want the to see how is the world outside china. Also they have control over their money, it is extremely hard for them to take money outside the country. One of the most horrible policies china has made was the One Child policy. According to Britannica This policy was established in the year 1980, the policy’s purpose was to slow the growth of the population. However it was taking away from families the possibility of having more than one kid. Now after almost forty years, the policy has been modified to the point that each family can have two children. While many people thing …show more content…

According to data from The World Bank, the birth rate in china is 1.7 per every woman, which shows that is not accomplishing the one child per couple purpose it was created for. This just proves that in china almost 2 kids are being born per every couple. The fact is that they can not keep them in any legal way; therefore, all the women suffering because of this policy is not being worth at all because it is just causing many people’s rights to be violated with not reason. In addition, it is extremely unfair for the kids to deny the right knowing what it is like to have a sibling. Now, that many Chinese families will have two children, kids will have someone to play with them and to have a companion while

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