
Ciesla And Yairi Of Tactus: A Case Study

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Ciesla and Yairi had passion, drive and the persistence to push through their bad luck because they believed in their product and the ability to give customers a unique experience that had been taken away with the introduction of newer technology. According to the Tactus website they have a strong belief for their product and its capability because “tactile feedback allows for superior discrimination when successive data needs to be rapidly resolved, the feel of touch is about five times faster than vision” (Tactus Technology). Because Ciesla and Yairi had persistence they were able to overcome the challenge of finding someone to fund them and now are on the verge of creating a product that can be used for many more applications then initial intended. …show more content…

If I were in their shoes I would have to have a passion for the product, if you do not love what you are trying to create or accomplish then there is no reason to peruse it. Another thing that comes to mind is that of being able to accept risk, as a wise man once said “you can’t get anywhere in life without taking risks (Esme n.d.) and the same concept can be applied to business. Finally, having persistence is key because everything is always going to take longer than one anticipates and it can be very difficult to keep pushing forward when it seems everything is standing still (Akalp,

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