Cigna Healthspring is a Medicare Advantage healthcare organization that is working to streamline healthcare services for its consumers. They have recently launch various advertisements focusing on preventative care in an attempt to get consumers to see their doctors more on a regular basis and not just when something is wrong. The advertisement above is one of many that feature some popular actors that play doctors on television shows. Although there is a bit of comedy in the advertisement, it captures the attention of the consumer so that they understand the underline message which is to get the annual checkup. This advertisement can be viewed on television, the company’s Facebook page, and their webpage. The purpose for this is to get
The advertisement from IcyHot has an image of Shaquille O’ Neal in a gray background theme. Shaquille has a smile on his face. He’s wearing a comfortable shirt. As he points at the product showing that he approves this message. The image is zoomed in to so the product can be noticed clearly. The use the words “ADVANCED PAIN CALLS FOR ADVANCED RELIEF” to express the conditions of the product. It’s expressed in big bold letters to appeal the viewer’s attention. The advertisement distinguishes the usage of ethos, logos, and pathos to convince the viewer to purchase the portrayed product.
The Geico commercial takes place in a dentist’s office where a dentist is performing a cleaning for a patient while watching television. When a Geico Commercial appears on the TV, the dentist is seemed surprised to hear that, “15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more on car insurance”. The patient in the room responded as if the information was common knowledge and that a majority of people would be aware of Geico’s 15-minute ad. The patient comment acted as a confirmation to validate Geico’s mission statement. The educated dentist felt foolish in front of his patient
The next memorable ad in the campaign takes a different twist, because rather than promoting auto insurance, it promotes home insurance. In this scenario, a group of young men are sitting at home when a baseball suddenly breaks through the homeowner’s window. As his friends begin to freak out, the homeowner maintains the same relaxed attitude as the female from the previous example and recites the magic jingle. Seeing his friends in shock as an agent magically appears he encourages them to recite the jingle and make a request, which they follow by asking for a sandwich, a pretty girl, and a hot
What does an ad say about a society? When viewing a product advertisement, many people never stop to think why the ad and product appeals to them. However, when a more critical look is taken, it’s easy to see precisely how ads are carefully tailored to appeal to trending values of a targeted demographic, and how that makes it easy to examine the society of those whom the ad is targeted at. In the analytic writing Advertisements R Us, Melissa Rubin provides an excellent example of this, as she crafts a logical and clear analysis of a 1950’s Coca-Cola magazine ad which thoroughly explains how advertisements can reveal quite a great deal about the society in which they were created.
The Better Health Association is a nonprofit company whose objective is simply to increase the health of people through health education, guidance, and diagnosis screening programs. They make an attempt to assist audiences of any age and socioeconomic ranges to gain knowledge of living an even healthy life-style and creating the know-how required to develop healthy and balanced choices. "My role within the company is to secure agreements from at least three major area advertising and marketing agencies to underwrite the creation and production of all Better Health special event programs for the next three to four years. I also, create an active and positive presence for the agency in state-of-the-art social media venues that results in recruitment and assistance to new clients. Monitor and track results quarterly. In addition to, developing systematic marketing plans that address every operational area of Better Health including client services, all fund raising events and general association promotion in all media venues" (, n.d.).
When you usually hear the word ‘Propaganda’ negative thoughts may come to your mind. Actually, propaganda is a form of communicating that is aimed at influencing the attitude toward a community. Usually it’s aimed towards some cause or position presenting only one side of an argument. It is also normally used and introduced in many various ways. Propaganda uses techniques and any means to persuade someone towards a certain way of thinking. It can be found in writing, music, and movies. The primary goal is to get their opinion warranted and capture the interest of the audience.
The ad above displays a fetus on three-fourths of the page on the left side. The statement "TAKE MY HAND NOT MY LIFE" is written in semi big letters on the right side. The words "TAKE MY" are in white letters. The word "HAND" is in blue letters and is noticeably bigger than both the first line and the third line. And the words "NOT MY LIFE" are slightly smaller than the first two words and are in yellow. Near the end of the page, on the right lower side it says "LIVEACTION.ORG". The statement is centered to the right while the fetus takes most of the page. The words are capitalized so that they do not get lost. The background is nothing but black. The fetus, on the other hand is colorless, it is almost transparent. The features on the fetus lack detail but they make it distinguishable as
In the past twelve months, there has been one advertising campaign that has stuck out amongst the rest. This advertisement can not only be seen on television, but also at your local movie theater before the opening credits. This advertisement campaign is Geico 's "Spy" commercial. This commercial features a US spy that is combating operatives when his cell phone rings. When he picks up, his mother is on the other side of the line complaining about his father refusing to hire pest control to get rid of the squirrels, as it is personal this time. The commercial then goes on to say, "if you are a mom you call at the worst time, it is what you do. If you want to save 15 percent on car insurance you switch to Geico. It 's what you do" (Mother Knows Best, 2015). This paper will discuss the success of the Geico advertisement.
Nowadays, having insurance is a ‘nice thing’ to carry in case of emergency. In the U.S, most people should have at least one type of insurance. As for auto insurance, the law requires drivers to carry insurance when driving. Because of this need, the constant demand for having insurance drives many firms competing in this saturated market. In this analysis, the focus attempts to show GEICO Insurance promotional strategy in communicating its products and services to the market and identifies the effective ways in growing the brand-awareness.
Advertisements have one primary purpose that is to persuade. Prescription medications Ads tell the consumers to get treatment and also imply that they have the need for it to solve their problems. Since prescription Ads have been introduced, the pharmaceutical
Crest, a toothpaste company, is known to be one of the world’s biggest dental hygiene businesses. They sell many products, including floss, toothpaste, toothbrushes, teeth whitening, and mouthwash. Their advertisements are in magazines, on television, and heard on the radio. The most common place one hears promotional Crest advertising is at your local dentist and orthodontist office. These Crest products may even be advertised in one’s own bathroom near the faucet. Crest’s main purpose of this advertisement is to lets its audience know the severity of oral hygiene. Crest’s uses efficient advertising to get its main message across by persuading its audience into buying its product by, explaining necessary precautions, targeting the appropriate audience, introducing credible information, playing on emotions, using strategic devices, and using creative weasel words.
The insurance company Geico, which stands for Government Employees Insurance Company, uses many rhetorical strategies in their film advertisements to successfully attract viewers and convey positive messages about their company. By developing senses of ethos, pathos and logos, creating symbolism, and using effective cinematography in their ad campaign, Geico attempts to attract young businesspeople to the company. Their use of rhetorical devices in the commercials helps to send the message that Geico relieves stress in tense situations and is the logical choice of insurance.
up about two thirds of the A4 sized advert. The picture is of a woman
At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel
Smoking is one of the most controversial topics in the world, the cigarette while being popular has many negative side effects to people's health. Many companies have made different ads to make people stop smoking, let’s take a look at an advertisement made by Nicotinell to combat smoking and help smokers quit.