
Cimavax Medical Case

Decent Essays

One dollar. No side effects reported. What’s more, the patient is alive and well. Stage IIIB lung cancer patient Mick Phillips should be dead, but modern medicine has given him another chance at life. It wasn’t conventional chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery, however, that saved his life. It was an innovative immunotherapy treatment developed in Cuba, a country with which we have only recently made amends. The trials demonstrated that the CimaVax vaccine could extend a patient’s life by an average of three-and-a-half years — and that's only the beginning. Historically, we’ve associated Cuba with the Cuban Missile Crisis, fascism, and exquisite cigars, not groundbreaking medical research. As a result of the embargo, Cuba has had no access to American pharmaceuticals, so the country had to build from the ground up. The silver lining here is that CimaVax is nothing short of a miracle. …show more content…

I shadowed medical professionals as they treated their patients, one of whom was a forty-something year-old man with Stage II lung cancer. I didn’t know his name or how long he'd been sick, but it was clear that he was desperate and emotionally worn. In the doorway between the scanning room and the observation room, I watched him prepare for tests. On my right, the patient stepped onto the “couch”, or the CT scan bed. I entered the observation room and was instructed to flick on a switch, alerting personnel to vacate the room so as not be exposed to the radiation. A red light flashed and the loud rumbling of the gantry startled me, a seemingly normal procedure to everyone else. Four doctors surrounded a control panel and a set of displays, shooting each other uncertain looks and mumbling what I assumed must have been bad news. Perhaps the tumor had spread. I followed the lead doctor into another room, never to hear of that patient again, never to learn what had become of

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