Resourcing Talent
The objective of this report is to identify and assess four factors that affect an organisations approach to both attracting talent and recruitment and selection. I will also be looking at attracting and retaining a diverse workforce and the different methods of recruitment and selection.
One of the main factors that influence the organisations approach is cost. The recruitment of a new employee would affect the overall budget of the organisation. Often an organisation will try to share the work between other members of staff before turning to recruiting a new role to keep the costs down. The cost is not just for a new employees wage but for the advertisement and preparation behind the employment, including new
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Also if the agency doesn’t understand the company’s requirements the incorrect description could be published and the applicant could be undesirable.
The selection process is dependent on the amount of application forms received and the quality of them. If the CV’s meet the criteria we would then shortlist further by inviting the candidates in for an aptitude test. When we have then narrowed these applicants down by the test of their ability we would invite them in for an interview. If we could still not make a decision from the interviews we could look at requesting references from their previous employers or offer a one-week trial period to confirm they were suitable for the job given. Also if the decision could not be made by their line manager we could invite them back for a second interview with the managing director.
This report has leaded me to the conclusion that there are many factors to be considered when recruiting new staff and all aspects should be thoroughly reviewed.
We hold all curriculum vitae’s for at least 6 months, these are held in a locked filing cabinet, with them split down to the position applied for and those that were short listed and those that weren’t. This is for our benefit so that if another position came available and we felt that an applicant could fill it we would contact them and make them aware that this was available.
Produce a report of approximately 750 words, in which you identify and assess 4 factors that affect an organisation’s approach to both attracting talent and recruitment and selection. Identify and explain 3 organisational benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce. Describe 3 methods of recruitment and 3 methods of selection.
To identify and assess at least 4 factors that affect an organisation’s approach to attracting talent
Resourcing talent refers to the processes for identifying, assessing, acquiring, developing, and deploying employees who are critical to the company’s success .
It is important to identify the skills needed for new roles. This can be done by creating a job description for the role in questions. Furthermore, an organisation can identify, through the job description, whether the skills already exist within the organisation or if it is necessary for external recruitment.
This report identifies and assess factors that affect an organisations approach to both attracting talent and recruitment and selection. It also identifies and explains benefits of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce, describes methods of recruitment and methods of selection.
In many cases, resources are wasted on candidates who are not really a fit for the job during the hiring process.
1. There are many different factors that affect an organisation’s approach to attract talent. The list below includes some of them.
If internal recruitment is not an option / has been unsuccessful, companies will the need to advertise to a wider audience. An employer will need to decide which method of recruitment is most suitable for the role and organisation. Common recruitment methods include advertising on the company’s own corporate website, using internet based jobsites, recruitment agencies, local or national press, job centre plus or employee referral schemes. The CIPD resourcing and talent planning survey (2013) lists the top 5 methods of recruitment as,
| |There are also different routes the applicant can take incase they cannot find some information that they |
In The Talent Code, the process of building talent is described in depth. In order to create a talented basketball team I will use principles from this book. Talent is not entirely dependent on genes and you are not a finished product (talent wise) when you are first born. Growing talent in players requires three aspects that are described in the book. First, Deep practice is required to learn the skills necessary to become a skillful player. Deep practice is not about the amount of time spent practicing, but the concentration and effort given in the time while practicing. Second, Ignition is required in order to have the energy and passion required to practice and develop into a good basketball player. Ignition is the
The recruitment and selection process can affect the efficiency and effectiveness of any organisation so it is crucial that the right person is employed for the job. The selection process also involves the image as an employer and its ability to attract quality staff. When an individual is applying for a job, he/she will need to undergo some steps.
CIPD (2015) projects that corporate talent recruitment budgets allocation are likely to grow and there is an increased demand for labour in the UK job market. However, CIPD (2015) further notes that businesses are experiencing an acute shortage of skills and there is an increase in competition among companies for top talents in technical, managerial and supervisory positions. Dychtwald, Erickson & Morison (2013) further supports these findings and attributes the UK’s labour shortage to a rapidly growing older generation and a shrinking younger generation. The desire to be successful, outmanoeuvre competitors and remain sustainable is deeply rooted in the business’ survival strategy (Shachar & Hirschl, 2013). Organisations have come to realise that to excel, a skilled and highly trained workforce is necessary (Campbell, Coff & Kryscynski Wang, 2012; Lin & Chu, 2011). Thus, organisations in the UK are increasingly searching for alternative strategies to outdo their competitor’s and recruit top talents. This research involves a large private food processing company in Suffolk that seeks to increase the number of applications for two problematic positions: Machine Operators on the production line and Supervisory Staff in the sales and marketing department. The study will conduct a brief preliminary investigation to determine the recruitment channels available to the HR (Human Resource) manager and then focus on the suitability of employing a recruitment agency. The
My final project will provide me the opportunity to introduce the North Central Region Talent and Performance to my new boss, Bob Earle. My goal is to introduce him to the demographics of the region, team members, my experience, performance, challenges, and opportunities. Bob is new to the company, recently acquiring a role as Divisional Vice President. He is located within our corporate office in Carmel, Indiana. He recently took over the North-East Division, managing six regions within the Mid-West to New England states. He is unfamiliar with each of his regions; therefore, this presentation gives me the opportunity to display our talent and our first and second quarter results.
While the topic of recruitment of skilled workers is an informative and useful subject, it will be extremely difficult to present a research project on this because the topic is very broad. When thinking of a topic to formulate a more focused, narrower research project, I chose the topic of what attracts highly skilled workers to organizations. While this topic still focuses on the recruitment of skilled workers, it has a more direct focus.