
Classical Management Theory Essay

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Classical Management Theory

Early Management Theories
Early Theories of Organizations emerged mainly for military and Catholic Church. The metaphor of the machine was dominant, where organizations are viewed as machines. Therefore, the organizational application was, since workers behave predictably (as machines do rarely deviate from the norm), management knows what to expect, and workers operating outside expectations are replaced.

Classical Management Theories
There are three well-established theories of classical management: Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management, Fayol's Administrative Theory, Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy. Although these schools, or theories, developed historical sequence, later ideas have not replaced …show more content…

He saw the employer as paternalistic and working in the employee's interest .
• Many of the principles were not designed to cope with conditions of rapid change and issues of employee participation in the decision making process of organizations.

 Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy

Max Weber (1864 – 1920), Germany

Weber developed a theory of bureaucratic management that stressed the need for a strictly defined hierarchy governed by clearly defined regulations and lines of authority. Bureaucracy is the organization form of certain dominant characteristics such as: Rules, Specified sphere of competence, Hierarchy, Specialized Training, Workers do not own technology, No entitlement to "official position" by incumbent, Everything written down, Maintenance of "ideal type". We should not apply our negative connotations of the word bureaucracy to the term as Weber use it.

Three basic types of legitimate authority:
Acceptance of those in authority arose from different reasons, such as
Traditional Authority - past customs and personal loyalty
Charismatic Authority - the personal qualities and skills
Rational-legal Authority -

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