
Claude Monet Research Paper

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Monet’s World In the year of 1840 little did France, let alone the world, know that it was a year to be put in the history books. On this beautiful year a man of great recognition in the art world was born. The founding father of Impressionism, Claude Monet. He had been a painter of a new style. One of his paintings titled “Across the Meadow” was simply one of the art pieces among a multitude of other phenomenal impressionist works he had completed. There is a large quantity of famous artists who’ve lived a crazy life and died tragically. Monet’s death was thought to be caused by his failing eyesight. “Monet first suffered the effects of double cataracts in 1908. In 1922, he had to stop work altogether. The following year, he underwent an operation that partially restored his sight – although his perception was veiled and colors were distorted. His eyesight failed entirely shortly before he …show more content…

A vast amount of his lifetime was devoted to the creation of his world renowned pieces of artwork. Ross states, “It was the beginning of a career that was to result in more than five-hundred drawings and over two-thousand canvases”. Two-thousand is an enormous number considering it was the number of canvases Monet had completed instead of drawings. That is pure evidence of not just Monet’s love for art but, specifically his passion for painting. There were many obstacles in Monet’s lifetime that may have encouraged him to quit painting entirely. One specific obstacle that killed many painters’ careers in his time was the invention of photography. “Just as the introduction of the mechanical loom affected the work of the weaver, the invention of photography in 1839 took over much of the painter’s documentary work, portraits, illustrations and plates for books and journals”, (Ventura 128). In an historic effort Monet managed to bypass all of those obstacles. As a result to his efforts, Monet has become one of the most famous artists to this

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