
Climate Change : Global Warming

Decent Essays

One of the biggest problems the world is facing today is climate change. Climate change in the world can be caused by numerous activities including human activities. Climate change occurs when the temperature rises significantly, which leads to many different changes happening on Earth such less snow in the winter. These changes include floods, drought, or intense rain, as well as severe heat waves. One of the biggest problems is rising sea level, other cases are melting of glaciers, heating, and acidity of oceans.
The earth’s climate changed plural times in the past due to natural causes but the current climate is different because human activities are the main cause. Ever since the Industrial Revolution humans have been releasing more and more carbon dioxide, which is accumulated in the atmosphere, this leads to the creation of the greenhouse, this disrupts our Earth’s climate. The greenhouse effect is when the energy from the sun drives the earth’s weather and climate and heats the earth’s surface, in turn the earth will radiate that energy back into earth which will cause a rise in temperature on earth because the gasses retain some of the outgoing energy trapping heat. Greenhouses gasses are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrox oxide water vapor and other gasses. These gasses originate from burning fossils which explain their capacity to produce energy. At first greenhouse effect was considered as a positive aspect but when greenhouse gases increase,

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