

Decent Essays


Antibiotics are chemical substances that can kill or inhibit the growth of infectious microorganism. They could be naturally occurring or synthetic in a laboratory. Each type of infection has its therapeutic course duration which should be completed neither reduced nor overused. The long term use of antibiotics may harm the host. In addition to the impact of antibiotic on infectious organism, they can affect the non-infectious bacteria. These effect on non-infectious bacteria depend on the type of used antibiotic, its mechanism of action and resistance level among community. Different antibiotics affect the normal gut bacteria in diverse ways depending on several the antibiotic spectrum of activity, dose and duration of therapeutic course, administration route and characteristics of the …show more content…

They have an important role in keeping a healthy tract of GI by providing large amounts of volatile fatty acids. Treatment with antibiotics that act on these anaerobic bacteria can have considerable consequences for the stability of the bacteria.
For example, clindamycin is broad-spectrum antibiotic that essentially affects anaerobic bacteria. Excretion of clindamycin is in bile and high concentration in feces. Clindamycin has a large negative effect on the intestinal bacteria. This is seen as decreasing pathogen colonization resistance, which leads to increasing the risk for pseudomembranous colitis due to Clostridium difficile overgrowth. Other effects of clindamycin on the normal flora of intestine are diarrhea, gastritis and abnormality in the bowel function leading to pain and bloating symptoms. (1)
Second example is amoxicillin. The effect of amoxicillin with or without with clavulanic acid combination on intestinal flora is increasing enterobacterial resistance and reducing the response of aerobic Gram positive cocci to amoxicillin.

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