Topic: Clinically Integrated Networks (CIN) With the onset of value-based payment models, primary care physicians and specialists are reorganizing to form networks in order to improve patient care while reducing operating costs and duplication of services to patients. Clinically Integrated Networks are one type of these physician-led networks. In 1996, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) defined clinically integrated networks with certain requirements that exempted CINs from anti-trust law. The requirements that CINs must have are as follows: • Ability to monitor and control the utilization of medical care services, thereby controlling costs and ensuring quality of care. • CI network physicians motivated in improving these efficiencies are
“An Integrated Physician Model is the result of a series of partnership between hospitals and physician develop overtime” (Harrison, 2016). Primarily, it is a joint venture that has become many joint ventures. In addition, all of this joint ventures are connected through congruent goals, and that is to provide different level of care to all the patients. Integrated physician model also organizing themselves to improve the cost and quality by operating under a clinical guideline. This could include acute care hospital, home care, nursing homes, affiliated medical group, primary care clinics, employed physician and any independent medical groups.
Making sure the needs of the patients are met. Making sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to making things better for the patients. Making sure the employees are happy, this will help them to give excellent care to the patients.
Why is the skill, concept, procedure, or tool necessary for accurate record keeping, operational efficiency, excellent patient services, employee management, regulatory compliance, reducing costs, forecasting, and so forth?
• “Application - The Application Layer is the layer that most network users are exposed to, and is the level at which human communication happens. HTTP, FTP, and SMTP are examples of the application layer protocols the Patton-Fuller will now be utilizing for communicating electronically” (Network Design, 2012).
- Taking into account the patient physical, social, psychological and spiritual health allow for allow for a more competent and effective patient care.
To guarantee that its members receive appropriate, high level quality care in a cost-effective manner, each managed care organization (MCO) tailors its networks according to the characteristics of the providers, consumers, and competitors in a specific market. Other considerations for creating the network are the managed care organization's own goals for quality, accessibility, cost savings, and member satisfaction. Strategic planning for networks is a continuing process. In addition to an initial evaluation of its markets and goals, the managed care organization must periodically reevaluate its target markets and objectives. After reviewing the markets, then the organization must
Monitoring everything, payroll, billing, human resource, scheduling, follow-up with nurses and employees, doctor requests, communicate with the doctor about patients and pre-authorization documents needed for the plan of care, HMO, training, physical therapy for patients.
to enhance patient care by providing prescription monitoring information that will ensure legitimate use of controlled substances in health care
Making the health information available, reducing duplication of tests, reducing delays in treatment, and patients well informed to take better decisions.
which care is delivered by a specified network of providers who agree to comply with the care
Clinical integration is the overall purpose of an integrated physician model. Clinical integration provides an opportunity to coordinate services through centralized scheduling, electronic health records, clinical pathways, management of chronic diseases, and innovative quality improvement programs (Harrison, 2016). This needs to be a major factor in the planning process. When you have the capability and access to an patients care plan because of greater resources and having all of the necessary silos to provide such care, well then it becomes a much smoother process and as a result this can play a factor into timely care and quality of care, as well it can contribute to cost reducing factors such as outpatient care. The electronic health records allow each silo to have access to treatments and testing that has already been done, this further improves quality, timely, and costly care. The clinical pathways allow creating a standardized care plan for patients that over time become more effective and efficient. The management of chronic diseases before clinical integration could be very costly and painful, requiring the patient to see multiple facilities and doctors with limited communication between the different facilities. With success in clinical integration these patients can have easy access to their providers and information because it would all be tied together, it can reduce the stress of knowing everything themselves because the information would already be
In addition, to protect the public resources that fund the Medicaid programs and maintain balance by paying claims and eliminating burdens on the providers while preventing and detecting fraud.
health issues , to enhance public health , and to help support ill patients both physically
Networking is cultivating relationships with others in a meaningful way so that you have people to turn to when you need information and support. And people you can help when they need someone to turn to (Tullier, 2004). Building connections to other powerful, intelligent people is crucial for a successful nursing career. Nurses can and will continue to learn the important aspects of career networking for themselves, other nurses, and their patients (Never underestimate the importance of networking: an ... n.d.). We can obtain our information and by sharing it to become an influential leaders. This will require breaking out of our zones of comfort and becoming players on the health care stage. Nurses, patients, and the public will all be beneficiaries
This will allow patients’ access to providers within the network and could possibly penalize any patient that goes outside the network. Contracting the network groups also continues to keep money within the communities and also provide incentives for groups to join the network.