
Cloud Computing

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Cloud Computing Group Members Ruth Wanjiru Cliff Kinyua Maritim Leonard Alphonse Kinyua Tracy Gathoni Abstract. Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared information, resources, and software, are provided to terminals and portable devices on-demand. It is a rapidly developing and excellent promising technology. Cloud computing is the product of the combination of grid computing, distributed computing, parallel computing, and ubiquitous computing. Cloud Computing model has enabled IT organizations to serve the users globally. It gives the services like Platform as a Service, Software as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service without users being much aware of the details in which the services are provided. …show more content…

Cloud is not an architecture, a platform, a tool, an infrastructure, a Web site or a vendor. It is a style of computing. Many architectures can be used to support its implementation and use. For example, it is possible to use cloud in private enterprises to build private clouds, but there is only one public cloud based on the Internet.” Gartner Research [7] When using ordinary computing, we install software programs on computer and update the hardware as per our requirements. Documents we create or save are stored in our computer. Documents are accessible on our own network, but they can’t be accessed by computers outside the network. Cloud computing, the software programs aren’t run from one’s personal computer, but are rather stored on servers accessed via the Internet. Cloud Computing provides resources and capabilities of Information Technology such as SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service),HaaS (Hardware as a Service) to distribute the powerful computing capacity to end-users. However, still there exist many problems in cloud computing today, the current researchers or practitioners pointing that data security and privacy risks have become the

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