
Coaching Makes The Most Effective Coaches

Decent Essays

There are more effective coaching techniques than the repetition of a skill. The techniques and behaviors of coaches differ all over the world, and some produce better results than others. A coach with a bad behavior and bad coaching techniques could not only result in poor performance but also a drop in the self-esteem of players. It could also result in a player quitting a sport. There are many different ideas on what effective means. Many would believe that a coaching technique is effective if it produces a win. While this is a true, a coaching technique is also considered effective when a coach sees an improvement in the skills of his players. Positive coaching techniques include both skills in a specific sport and the mentality of the …show more content…

He says that it is important to make the training and the practices more intense than the games so that your players are prepared during a game; but he also says it is necessary to increase your knowledge of the sport faster than that of your opponents. Goldsmith also claims, “Good coaches can follow programs; great ones invent winning programs and in doing so create new directions and new ideas which in turn change the sport”. Goldsmith is emphasizing that being a creative coach who is able to come up with new ideas and techniques in playing a sport is what separates a good coach from a great coach. Also, Goldsmith makes it a point to explain how all team sports have significant moments in which it is just one person against another. He says the key winning these moments are to inspire athletes to always prepare for games while remembering how much they love the game. He also emphasizes that one of the most important qualities of a great coach is leadership. Goldsmith exercises the importance of being different as a coach and be willing to try new things.

Wayne Goldsmith is both an author and a speaker who has worked with some of the best coaches and athletes in the world. He has written numerous books and his insights have even helped change some of the ways in which certain …show more content…

This article is not recent but while more qualities of a bad coach may become apparent, the old ones never change. It also offers the results of a survey given to multiple student athletes.

Stewart, Craig. "Female Athletes' Rankings of Coaching Behavior: A Longitudinal Report." Physcial Educator 73.3 (2016): 417-32. Ebsco Host. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.
Craig Stewart writes an article about the importance of coaching behavior and their habits on athletes’ performances. Stewart discusses how the performance of both teams and individuals seemed to improve when the behavior of coaches was similar to that of the athletes. He states, “In addition, positive coach/player relationships improved mental toughness. Increased their preference for training and instructive behaviors, fostered players’ internal locus of control, and sharpened task-oriented focus”. Stewart also discussed that in areas in which coaches do not effectively communicate with their players and when they were not supportive, athletes tended to have higher anxiety, and a reduced self-confidence. Stewart also said that in cases of motivation, the condition of a team is often times determined by the attitude of the

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