
Coats Of Arms Essay : Family Coat Of Arms

Decent Essays

Family Coat of Arms Samuel Johnson once said, “ Few things are impossible in diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance.” Samuel also said “ Hope is the only thing greater than fear.” These quotes make me think about my values and what I have to symbolize them. Each and every one of us has something we stand for. We also use different ways of expressing it. I have expressed it in images, values, and a motto. I have four images, a dragon, and arrow, wings, and a cross. These each symbolize something that I believe in and they speak my values to a better understanding. Some of my images have no value along with it, but they stand for something else. For one example, my cross. It doesn’t go with any of my values, but it does go with my religion and strong belief in god. Sometimes the words cannot express emotions, so the cross portrays my love for the scripture. The arrow is another one. A single arrow signifies strength as one moves forward. There have been times in my life where I felt like there was no hope left, but through all you must move forward. Maxwell Maltz once declared, “ Man maintains his balance , poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward.” You see, I believe that the only way to achieve your goals is to look away from yesterday, and soar into today. Wings are intelligence. Wings allow you to soar, hence the wing part. I chose the wings because it has sentimental meaning as well as

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