
Coborn's Employees Differences

Decent Essays

Employees are the foundation of a company and, Coborn’s, I have learned, has many unique employees. These employees are the face of Coborn’s and are the people who I interact with on a daily basis. Many of them have conflicting views on life but can all fit into three different categories: the “Energizer Bunny”, “The Judge Judy”, and the “No show”. The excited employees who categorize as the “Energizer Bunnies” shatter all negativity and sleepiness in the store with their uncharted energy. They typically arrive at least fifteen minutes early, just in case the lines happen to be extra long. Luckily for the other employees, they take the leftover shifts, or when called in, immediately cancel previous plans and go to work. “No” does not appear …show more content…

Unfortunately for the employees, when she is on duty, funny business is not an option. However, since most of the employees absolutely despise this rule, whenever “The Judge Judy” leaves for lunch or break, they strike up some kind of gossip about her. Her toughness can not be broken. When business is slow, she makes everyone who is working up front by the registers clean; everything. From washing down every inch on the registers to hosing out the storage area, “The Judge Judy” is strictly business. Hypocritically, she avoids working by conversing with customers, constantly sucking up to them and arguing that a certain football team will beat it’s opposing rival. Sometimes, she literally just disappears, and it always seems to be in the instant when an employee needs her help. Plus, she is in charge of organizing the work schedule for the following week. Many mistakes are made in this process because she is easily distracted and ends up scheduling an employee for an unavailable time. All chaos breaks loose because that person does not show up and “The Judge Judy” is left scrambling to find a replacement. Being super strict, Charlotte is the “The Judge Judy” at Coborn’s. Even though most employees hate her, Charlotte’s discipline and strictness keep the staff prepared for the worst situations. She orders us to clean and we …show more content…

When the “No Shows” actually show up to their only scheduled shift for the week, they have a sloppy and unprofessional appearance. The “No Shows” wear unwashed, smelly clothes which are usually untucked. The “No Show’s” hair resembles a shiny, greasy rat’s nest, and sometimes, if it is a bad day, an unpleasant odor lingers around the “No Shows”. Worst of all, their breath is like sewage since brushing their teeth is just a waste of time. Usually a teenage boy, the “No Show” workers never seem to know exactly what they are doing while they supposedly “work”. They are constantly lost in thought or daydreaming, often forgetting that a customer is waiting patiently on them. The employees that fall under the category of the “No Shows” should get fired on the spot but since the staff is too nice, the rest of the workers stress while the “No Shows” relax at home. Luckily there are only a few employees at Coborn’s that fall into the category and hopefully this category will no longer exist for the sake of the customer, the business, and their coworkers. All of my experiences working with Dane, the perfect example, when he actually arrives on time, have been frustrating. He always seems to be moving as slow as he can, his shadowed eyes sink into his skull, and Dane’s lack of energy is annoying so when the store has large rushes. The manager is forced to call up workers from the back. Sometimes I even

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