
Coca Production Of Coca Plant

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Coca: the Fight to Survive
The Coca plant has been cultivated in the Bolivian Andes since at least the time of the Inca Empire. Its cultivation expanded in the 1980s feeding into the international cocaine market. In response to U.S.-funded attempts to eradicate and fumigate coca crops in the Chapare region of Bolivia, the indigenous organizations that grow the plant joined together to contest the government in what is known as the cocalero movement. Evo Morales, who became president of Bolivia in 2006, is a leader of this movement. The United States’ desire to suppress cultivation of the Coca plant due to its role in making Cocaine does not serve as a suitable rationale of eradicating its production and use as it yields many different kinds of benefits.
The production of the coca plant is vital for the role it plays in creating cocaine, but the effects of recreational cocaine use and coca plant use are too different to eradicate the plant altogether. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug that produces short-term euphoria, energy, and talkativeness. In addition, its use can cause potentially dangerous physical effects like raising heart rate and blood pressure (“Drug Facts: Cocaine”). It goes on to say that in order to sustain their high, people who use cocaine often use the drug in a binge pattern—taking the drug repeatedly within a relatively short period of time, at increasingly higher doses. “This practice can

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