
Knight Medical Compliance Plan Essay

Better Essays

Introduction Knight Medical recognizes the problem fraud and other deliberate misconduct in the health care industry poses to society and seeks to prevent and detect unlawful and /or unethical conduct by its employees and agents. Knight Medical is committed to establishing and maintaining an effective compliance program in accordance with the compliance program guidance published by the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“OIG Guidance”). Through this Compliance Plan, Knight Medical wishes to promote full compliance with all legal duties applicable to Knight Medical. This Compliance Plan is designed to prevent misconduct, to detect misconduct if it occurs, to prevent future wrongdoings, and to create an atmosphere of awareness and accountability among Knight Medical’s physicians, other employees and consultants. The Compliance Plan: Establishes a Code of Conduct to be followed by each Covered Person. Establishes an administrative framework for conducting an effective and diligent compliance effort. Creates effective communication channels to deliver Sound’s commitment to ethical business practices and to receive feedback regarding adherence to these practices. Outlines a commitment to effective education and training of Covered Persons regarding compliance requirements and the manner in which their job activities should be conducted so that they comply with applicable federal and state law. Statement of Policy on Ethical

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