
Code Of Ethics And Ethics

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As a therapist, there will be times when you are personally treating a child who is present, without their consent. Parents often bring their children to therapy when they feel that an issue has escalated and they can no longer handle the situation. Being a therapist, you should be prepared for instances as such and learn to build rapport with the children so that they are more comfortable when speaking with you. You want the child to trust you despite what they think their parents have told you, previous to their visit. Building rapport is extremely necessary when dealing with any client, but especially children. There are also several instances where issues will arise that will force you to educate yourself further with the AAMFT Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics are beneficial to the well-being of the therapist and can prevent them from getting into a legal bind. I will be discussing the outcomes to several issues given, and also addressing what I would do personally when faced with these oppositions. The questions require me to constantly review my AAMFT Code of Ethics and apply them to the issues that have arisen. I will have to consult with my colleagues often while also protecting the rights and confidentiality of my client. Being that my client is a child, I will have to take certain precautions when addressing issues that coincide with abuse, neglect, and privacy. I am continuously learning that the Code of Ethics will be needed throughout my entire career and

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