
Cognitive Behavior Therapy Essay

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• Cognitive behavior therapy: The therapist will deal with thinking, behavior, hearing of “voices" and hallucinations. Cognitive Behavior Therapy along with medication can identify triggers of psychotic episodes and how to reduce or stop them.
• Cognitive enhancement therapy: This type of therapy teaches people how to better recognize social cues, or triggers, and improve their attention, memory, and ability to organize their thoughts.
• Psychosocial Therapy: Help individuals during psychotherapy learn how to cope and become a part of a community.
• Social skills training: This training help improve communication and social interactions.
• Rehabilitation: Involves job counseling, problem-solving support, and education in money management. …show more content…

Research shows that people with schizophrenia who have a strong support system do better than those without the encouragement of friends and family.
• Self-help groups. You should encourage your loved one to participate in community care and outreach programs to continue working on his social skills. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is an outreach organization that offers a free Peer-to-Peer program, for instance. It includes 10 sessions for adults with mental illness who want to learn more about their condition from people who have experienced it themselves or been through it with a loved one.
• Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) is designed for people experiencing an episode of psychosis for the first time. It is a team approach. It not only combines medication and psychological therapies, it includes social and employment services and tries to include the family whenever possible. The aim is to change the direction and prognosis for the disease by catching it in its earliest stages. Research has shown that those with schizophrenia who receive early and intensive treatment have the best long term prognosis (Therapy for Schizophrenia,

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