
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Essay

Decent Essays

II.E. The importance of regular or as needed counselling in the community
Conversational therapies such as one-on-one conversation between the patient and a mental health practitioner is an effective tool in addition to antipsychotic medication (Jones, Hacker, Cormac et al.,2012). Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a good example of counselling as it is increasingly becoming popular for patients with schizophrenia. The national treatments guidelines commend that Cognitive Behaviour Therapy should be widely accessible for patient with mental illness specifically schizophrenia patients (NICE, 2009). In Cognitive Behavioural Therapy the correlation of patients feelings and figures of thinking are linked to their feeling of distress. The patient is instructed and encouraged to participate by adapting the following approach ( Jones, Hacker, Cormac et al.,2012).
a. Investigating the accustomed or habitual way of thinking
b. Examining the results of such upsetting way of thinking
The objective of Cognitive behavioral therapy is to change the interpretations that patients have in relation to traumatic personal experiences or dysfunctional behavior. The said therapy aims on correcting negative thought processes by guiding them in understanding such negative experiences do not lead to negative feelings and behaviors. It encourages patients to recognize fixed …show more content…

The aim is to let Lisa recognize the negative experiences by delving deep into her thoughts and feelings regarding such negative experiences. The next step is to change her mindset that her current mental symptoms are results of said experiences. The goal is for Lisa to understand these disturbing thought patterns should not necessarily control her current thoughts and

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