
Collateral Beauty

Decent Essays

Will Smith bring yet another heart-felt, abstract inspired movie to the big screen for the perfect holiday treat? We see all sorts of familiar faces this time around, but the audience is introduced to a few new characters as well. When a New York advertising executives’ faces-problem with their nuclear family, it fogs their mental mind states. The struggle is real to clear the slate, jeopardizing the investment firm. Alongside the journey, his constituents, and concerned friends are set to better reconnect Howard, on the miserable venture he has bestowed to his company and self. Isolated from the realms of society Howard seeks answers from abstract(s) letters to Love, Time and Death. But it’s not until his notes bring unexpected personal responses, which begins to reveal the Collateral Beauty connect.

The film served as the most beautiful reinforcement to life’s entailments. Frankel used actors that had starred in New York setting previously, and all of them out shone in their respective roles: Will smith as Howard, CEO of investing firm, while Edward Norton, Michael Pena and Kate Winslet- were all excellent and obviously comfortable with the roles as Howards life-line supporter, and also executives. …show more content…

It was a shock to watch her character unfold through all the stirred of emotions. After a few scenes in, however, Frankel final casting decision was a phenomenal one, as star Smith portrayed the meaning of beauty.

The film, at 97 minutes, is an eye drainer. There were a few times where comic relief has the audience laughing at the screen, but the gorgeous New York scene and street-wear office fashion held the attention of the audience and kept them on the edge of their seats. However, the trailer was a bit unclear at times.

Collateral beauty is a must see, it’s beautifully heartfelt. All the stars cast don’t disappoint and prove well worth your

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