
College Admission Essay Sample

Decent Essays

A treasurable and reminiscent moment in which I made a significant contribution to society occurred this past summer. I had the opportunity to delve months and invest hundreds of hours gaining first-hand lab experience as an intern at Oregon State University. Helping conduct experiments to decrease the deglycerolization rate for cryopreserved blood in order for it to be prepared for blood transfusions; made me feel like a valuable asset to the world. I interned at the school of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering (CBEE) at Oregon State University through Saturday Academy and the Apprenticeships in Science and Engineering program. Overall, the program is highly competitive and provides an eight-week, full-time summer internship.

In order to take part in the program, high school students are required to submit the application forms, recommendation letters, and transcripts in order to obtain the internship. Each lab mentor then receives the application packages of the students interested to intern in their lab and selects them. The main objectives during the internship …show more content…

I have gained a much stronger new-found interest in attaining a career in the field of medicine. My main focus of becoming a family practitioner and assisting others has become more solidified. During my brief stint throughout the summer, I was able to tackle the three months of working in the lab in a very happy manner. Doctor Adam Higgins, one of my mentors, presented the results in the Czech Republic for a conference on Cryobiology. Being able to enforce my interest in science, assisting my high school peers, influencing middle school students in a positive manner, being a part of the internship on the cryopreservation of blood, and knowing that our experiment was prominent in terms of the progression of saving the lives of others was monumental and is eternally embedded into my

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