
College Essay On Personal Goals

Decent Essays

For my Purpose paper, I will be explaining my personal goals and my purpose for sticking to those goals. My whole purpose for becoming an aspiring Graphic Novelist was to have readers come to enjoy and fun reading my stories. Be it reading it by themselves or reading it with family and friends, so long as they enjoy the story for what it is, then I am pleased. My personal goal is to strive to become a great Graphic Artist and Graphic Novelist. I wish to make great achievements while reaching this dream and hope that in the future it becomes a reality. As for a career goal, I wish to become a Graphic Novelist and hope that my stories are heard among people. And lastly my educational goal is to improve on my skills and maintain a solid record for all my classes. All of this goals have …show more content…

Hard work is required, no matter the subject. Everything starts out small at first, but later on the road it becomes something big and passionate. Ever since I could hold a pencil, I was always interested in drawing. It started as a small hobby like most things do, but later I started to get more invested as time passed. It soon came to the point where I saw myself in my future creating masterful pieces. Then when entering into high school, I started to draw characters that I created and gave them backstories. It was something that I would be happy to do whenever I had the time. I finally made the decision that would became my long-term goal, to become a comic artist. Since I was in high school, I was always surrounded by creative friends. I enjoyed listening to their ideas and the seeing the art that they produced. At the time, I was just getting back into the swing things so it helped motivate me to improve on my own works. One particular friend however cemented the idea on creating comic books. She would

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