
College For All : Gaps Between Desirable And Actual P 12 Math Achievement Trajectories For College Readiness

Decent Essays

Education Research Article Classification
Cara Beaty

Article: College for All: Gaps Between Desirable and Actual P-12 Math Achievement Trajectories for College Readiness, by Jaekyung Lee, from Educational Researcher Volume 41, Number 2, March 2012

Question: Is the article or report empirical research? Yes, because empirical research as define from McMillan, relies on data that is tangible.
We know this report to be empirical or tangible because the models came from nationally represented data samples of assessments in the United States. These three assessments were then compared against one another.
Question: Is the research quantitative, qualitative or mixed-methods? The report is unquestionably quantitative. …show more content…

Lee believes there is a disconnect in our current P-12 education system and actual college readiness and completion. We are not properly meeting the needs of students to be admitted to college and to graduate college. The study looks at national data sets of curriculum-based achievement test data from preschool, elementary, and secondary education students to recognize college level entree and attainment. He was also curious about the gap between our nation and state standards being high enough to meet college readiness and success.
His report solely looked at math achievement. His reasoning was that high school math is one of the strongest predictors of college success and because testing data is widely available and objective. Lee looked at three different sets of national data across education, to examine college readiness benchmarks again two-year and four-year colleges admission and graduation. This is a summary of each of those data sets:
• Tracking Average Math Achievement Levels: Lee used prior research from the national academic growth trajectories to use a longitudinally data sets to track math achievement growth during P-12.
• Estimating Math Achievement Benchmarks for College Readiness: This study used benchmark scores from NELS exams against students who attended a two-year versus a

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