
Color And Its Effect On The Human Eye

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Colour When designing GUIs you need to be conscious of the colours. Microsoft office uses grey as the main colour, blue for the title bar, highlighting, drop down lists and some text. Many uses feel grey is dull and boring colour to use, however if the colour bright red or black was used it would be uncomfortable eyes. Trichromatic System and luminance (Red, Green, Blue) Trichromatic system uses a combination of three colours that are the basis of 3D vision, which are red, blue and green. The human eye has a trichromatic system. The three colours of the trichromatic are detected by three different types of cells on the retina of the eye, these are known as receptors. There has been much work on developing the theory of this system into …show more content…

Proximity is the way we view things which are close together as a group or look closer than they actually are. Continuity is taking more of an interest in a straight smooth lines rather than rigid and rapidly changing lines. Symmetry is when a shape or object is repeated on both sides to make it a mirror image. We see symmetrical shapes easily than unsymmetrical shapes. Similarity is objects and shapes placed together as they look similar, where as dissimilar objects are likely to be viewed individually. There are also laws that relate to common groupings. Fate is when we see objects that move together as a group. Region is when objects are enclosed together somehow as a group. And connected is when we see objects connected by continuous lines. Objects GUI is built using a number of separate objects. Each object is used in a clear order. So images are layered. It is important that images appear in order and overlay the first image, or else an interface may look as an incomplete object to the user. If images are positioned behind or in front of text, then the whole interface will not be able to be seen. Therefore GUI should appear in front of text on the desktop and not behind existing images on the desktop. Furthermore if the positioning of the objects has not been precisely arranged then the GUI or parts of the GUI may not appear behind the main screen. This leads to the user not being able to access the full range of commands. Another thing is the

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