
Color Psychology

Decent Essays

Color is defined as “the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue” (Webster’s Dictionary). Color is an extremely powerful psychological tool used across the globe. Our world would be bland and boring without the use of color in our everyday lives. Using color psychology can encourage sales, calm a crowd, and even help a person send a positive (or negative) message. Many companies use color psychology in their marketing schemes. June Campbell, writer for Nightcates Multimedia Productions, states, “Colors not only enhance the appearance of the item -- they also …show more content…

Finally, even schools are getting in on a bit of color psychology. Some schools are known to paint the locker room of the opposing team in pink. Yes, pink. Pink drains energy out of a person and causes fatigue – a very strategic move. Prisons are also known to use pink in their jail cells because it drains all the negative energy from the inmates. Culture has a large influence on the meanings of color as well. First, China looks at colors differently than we do here in America. Let us take a look at the color red once again. In China red is the color worn by brides. If a Chinese woman were to wear white for her wedding, her parents would not allow her to marry. Secondly, in India red is also a symbol of purity and good luck, which is why it is the traditional wedding gown color. Also, yellow is said to be a sacred and imperial color for their culture. Now, in America, we have different meanings for certain colors than other countries, and our flag colors and symbols best represent us as a whole. The white represents purity and innocence, red signifies valor and hardiness, and blue stands for justice, perseverance, and vigilance. The stars show the heavens and all the good that people strive for, while the strips emulate the sun’s rays. Breaking down each country’s flag by symbol and color only shows, in more detail, the background

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