
Common Application Essay Samples

Decent Essays

This course has been an awakening to me in terms of writing. I always thought that my writing was average, but when compared to others during peer editing, it is easy to see the gap. Many of my fellow classmates are around me, use a moderate amount of advanced vocabulary and have a decent style. Of course, there are the outliers; those above and below. This course has allowed me to see the writing of those above me, and it does motivate me to get to the standard that they are at. For one, my vocabulary is not where theirs are. I understand most words used, but when it comes to me writing my own paper, I often find myself using the same words over and over again. Nothing is unique or different, it is all the same being repetitive and boring. …show more content…

One can use simple words, yet tell an amazing story. The prompts so far have been moderate, nothing to elaborate except for the Common Application Essay and this is definitely one that I have struggled with the most. Finding an inspiration or story that I can tell that will set me apart has been what I could not do. I did write one about a mission trip that I took to Haiti this past summer, but mission trips are very cliche. Finding an original idea is something that I have struggled with the most. Despite not writing much, my best work so far has been the educational history narrative. In it, I was able to tell my experiences with S.A.I.L. camp and made it into a nice story. However, I could do a better job with transitioning as it is something that I have struggled with in all of my essays including this one. This is something else that I have struggled with thus

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