
Common Project Risk Strategies For A Project Manager

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1.1 Common Project Risk Strategies:
In order to address the possible threats in a project, there are some risk strategies that can be deployed by a project manager. Among them the five common project risk strategies that are employed by a project manager to address the possible threats are as follows:
- Using tools for identifying risks: Identification of risks is important for the risk management of any project. Risks must be identified early before they show their effect deep in to the project. For the risk identification there are many tools and techniques that can be used. Among them SWOT analysis is the most used tool to identify the risks. There are some other tools present to identify risks such as Monte Carlo analysis, Assumption analysis etc. In SWOT analysis threats are identified such that it the manager could take decision whether the risks are that serious to delay or stop the project. Identifying risks before the implementation of the problem is very important because the project schedule can be made based on the risks identified and sufficient time could be given for the necessary steps that are to be taken when the risks have finally arrived in to the project.
- Prioritizing the identified risks: All the risks that are identified in the project must be prioritized such that the risks with the highest priority could be addressed first. The priority of a risk could be scaled from high to low or from 1 to 5. If the risk must be addressed immediately, then it

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