
Communication Is A Fundamental Component Of Clinical Competence

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Firstly, what is communication? “Communication is the act or process of transmitting information (as about ideas, attitudes, emotions, or objective behaviour)” (Merrium-Webster,2015). Communication is a fundamental component of clinical competence. It is a core clinical skill and is essential to health care professionals in a clinical setting. Communication as a healthcare professional is the act of converting theory and evidence based practice into effective clinical practice. (silverman,Kurtz et al,2005). Chris Gardner,1982 once said “if you can’t communicate it doesn’t matter what you know” This quote legitimately emphasises how fundamental good communication skills are in order to be excellent healthcare professionals and to be able …show more content…

It was also confirmed that doctors in a primary care setting who adapted a patient centred approach, such as motivational interviewing found that clients reported to better emotional state 2 months following the consultation in direct contrast to patients emotional state 2 months following the consultation with doctors who were perceived to have a less patient-centred dynamic (stuart & brown et al,2000). Therefore due to the significance motivational interviewing has on patients, the remainder of this essay will explore the effectiveness and application of motivational interviewing techniques used by healthcare professionals on patients in a clinical setting. Secondly, what is motivational interviewing? Motivational interviewing (MI) was established in the 1980s. It was developed originally for counselling patients with substance abuse. Motivational interviewing is directed with a person-centred approach, with the aim to promote behavioural change and patients perception to their unhealthy lifestyle choices. (Miller &Rollnick,2014). Motivational interviewing asseses the patients wiliness to modify their lifestyle and as a result can develops means in which action plans can formulated to bring about change(creber & patey et al,2015).Motivational interviewing has revealed to have a positive patient outcome as a result of focusing on personal goal choice, which

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