
Community Policing Within The United States Department Of Justice

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Over time the policing community has faced many different changes to be able to keep up with the new times. The system has adapted many new techniques and a different approach to how they solve problems. Community policing has taken on a number of definition, but put simply it is a working partnership with a community that helps make the area a better environment to subside in. The main goals of community policing is to reduce neighborhood crime, help reduce fear of crime and enhance the quality of life in the community. The United States Department of Justice has defined community policing as a philosophy that “focuses on crime and social disorder through the delivery of police services that includes aspects of traditional law enforcement, as well as prevention, problem-solving, community engagement, and partnerships.” However, community policing can be looked at as not so much a strategy, but a philosophy about how things should be done. According to The Unites States Department of Justice “At its core, community-oriented policing is based on law enforcement and the community joining together to identify and address issues of crime and social disorder.” With new advances and community oriented policing, law enforcement is taking steps in the right direction.
Over the course of the semester there have been many instances in which shows that new technology advances have proven to be nothing but beneficial for law enforcement. In an article written by Ron Sloan, Robert

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